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Piotr  (Anonymous, 192.162.60.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is itching of the skin after injections Neoparin Is this a cause for concern?

Hi is it normal for Neoparin to have itching of the skin all over the body? And if so, how to get rid of? is it better to postpone the drug after selecting already more injections?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

4 months ago

To @Agnieszka:

Persistent itching all over the body while taking Neoparin may be a symptom of an allergic reaction to this drug. Although Clatra relieves the symptoms, it does not solve the problem, as the itching returns after its effect wears off.

Allergic reactions to medications, including low molecular weight heparins such as Neoparin, are not uncommon. They can manifest themselves with a variety of skin symptoms, including itching, without a visible rash.

If you suspect an allergy to the drug, you should consult your attending physician to change the therapy. Continuing to take a drug to which you have an allergic reaction can lead to worsening of symptoms and even serious systemic complications.

Switching from Neoparin to Clexane makes no sense in the case of persistent itching of the skin, as both drugs contain the same active ingredient - enoxaparin.

Agnieszka (Anonymous, 83.23.134.) 4 months ago

I'll also ask my answer from above, replacing neoparin with xlexana makes sense if it's about this persistent itching of the skin ??

Agnieszka (Anonymous, 83.23.134.) 4 months ago

While taking neoparin, a very persistent itching of the whole body appeared, despite taking clatra 40mg, although it decreases with this drug, but it returns again when the drug ends its effect and the rash is not visible ...

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Zgodnie z Charakterystyką Produktu Leczniczego świąd skóry, pokrzywka czy rumień jest jednym z często występujących działań niepożądanych leku Neoparin:


W przypadku, gdy świąd jest intensywny i nie ustępuje pod wpływem np. nawilżającego/emolientowego balsamu, zachęcam do konsultacji z lekarzem prowadzącym. Proszę nie odstawiać leku na własną rękę.

Zachęcam również do zgłoszenia wystąpienia działań niepożądanych preparatu. Zgłaszanie działań niepożądanych zwiększa kontrolę nad lekami dostępnymi w obrocie. O tym, jak i dlaczego zgłaszać działania niepożądane pisaliśmy w artykule:


User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
