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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

olkrz (Anonymous, 89.71.24.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can I increase the dose to two tablets after 3 weeks of taking Tetralysal?

Good morning! I have been taking TETRALYSAL for 3 weeks. During the visit I am convinced that I heard to take 1x a day for a 300mg tablet, but now on the prescription I noticed that there is an inscription 1x2dz, which probably means that I should take twice the dose. I was also confused by the fact that for sure I read the leaflet, where there was also information about 1 tablet a day 300mg. However, I counted the number of packs of pills and it actually looks like I should be taking two. Can I start taking two pills instead of one after 3 weeks?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

W przypadku braku informacji od lekarza o tym, jak powinna Pani stosować Tetralysal zwrócić się samodzielnie do niego z takim pytaniem, aby mieć jasność kiedy i jak przyjmować, szczególnie, że w tym konkretnym przypadku zalecone dawkowanie przekracza to zalecane przez producenta leku. Osoby postronne, które nie mają wiedzy na temat Pani zdrowia, nie będą w stanie pomóc i ustalić odpowiedniego schematu leczenia.

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