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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Mama (Anonymous, 31.2.36.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How long can you use the drugs Hitaxa and Clemastinumu 3-year-old?

Hitaxa syrup and Clemastinum Hasco syrup. How many days can a three-year-old child take. Syrups prescribed by a dermatologist.

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Aleksandra (Anonymous, 188.146.204.) 18 months ago

My daughter had identical skin changes due to cow's milk protein allergy. Really identical.

diana (Anonymous, 83.6.98.) 2 years ago

Good morning. Have you been able to determine where these pustules in a child on the body come from? My daughter has been fighting this since November, she is diagnosed with Duhring's disease, but something breathed me, whether these pustules could be the result of using Xitaxy.... I do not know, I think out loud, because diagnosing is very tiring ;( Please reply if possible. Best regards

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