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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Ola  (Anonymous, 77.115.41.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Did storing tablets at a temperature of 2 degrees in the car for 8 hours affect their effectiveness?

Hello, does storing Vibin contraceptive pills in the car for 8 hours at an outdoor temperature of 2 degrees affect their effectiveness?

10 answers, 3 subscribers

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

You do not have to worry, the effectiveness of the tablets is preserved.


2 years ago

So those 30 minutes in the car in May when it is warm does not reduce the effectiveness of contraceptive pills? And these somehow 30 minutes in the gallery walking around the shops and somehow a few minutes outside where it was windy also do not reduce the effectiveness of these pills right? And I don't have to worry?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @Gabriela: The properties of the tablets are preserved. Short-term exposure to a lower/higher than recommended temperature does not affect the effectiveness of the tablets.


2 years ago

The tablets were just bought unused and transported home so they were about 29 minutes in a car where it was warm and outside a few minutes where it was windy and cool.


2 years ago

And what if the tablets I mailam in the purse that was closed I had them in the car about 20 minutes because I transported them home (we have May so it starts to get warm) also a few minutes I was outside with them in my purse and outside it was already cool because the wind was blowing which does not change that it is May or such a situation could obmziyc their effectiveness?

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Tak, bez obaw może Pani je stosować. Tabletki przebywając w temperaturze 2 stopni, owinięte w kurtkę, nie stracą swojej skuteczności i działania, tak jak napisałam - producent najpewniej wziął to pod uwagę w procesie tworzenia tabletek. Nie ma Pani powodów do niepokoju.

Ola  (Anonymous, 77.115.41.) 2 years ago

Czyli bez obaw mogę je stosować ?a co jeśli rzeczywiście by okazało się że były w za niskiej temperaturze,czy wtedy to osłabia w dużym stopniu i h skuteczność?

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To tym bardziej - nie ma powodów do obaw. Producent najpewniej przewidział, że zimą tabletki będą transportowane z apteki do domu i będą przebywały przez jakiś czas w niższych niż zalecane temperaturach.

Ola  (Anonymous, 77.115.41.) 2 years ago

Tabletki były również owinięte w kurtkę i leżały w samochodzie przez te kilka godzin.

Anna Tyrańska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Nie, nie powinno wpłynąć na ich skuteczność. Proszę jednak w miarę możliwości przenieść tabletki do domu, do temperatury pokojowej jak zaleca producent leku.

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