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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Monika (Anonymous, 80.54.231.) Warszawa 2 years ago

If I have taken the additional Vibin contraceptive pill several times unnecessarily and now take it according to the leaflet, will the protection be preserved?

Good morning, I take Vibin birth control pills. Unfortunately, in the last 4 cycles about 3/4 hour after taking over the tablet, there was a one-time loose stool after which I took an additional tablet (it turned out to be unnecessary because it is not diarrhea). So for 4 cycles I took an extra tablet. In this cycle I took two additional contraceptive pills (in 1 week I took an additional one due to diarrhea and now in the 3rd week I would also take an additional one because I'm not sure if I took it (the first time it happened to me and I panicked)) I will be protected? If I do not take any additional tablet in the next cycle, the effectiveness will be reduced or can I take 21 tablets normally? Has the body become accustomed to this extra dose? I already know that an additional tablet must be taken in case of severe diarrhea and not a disposable loose stool.

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Monika (Anonymous, 213.134.181.) 2 years ago

Rozumiem, czyli teraz nie muszę się dodatkowo zabezpieczać?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Kolejne opakowanie tabletek proszę przyjmować zgodnie ze schematem zapisanym w ulotce. Kilkukrotne, bezpodstawne przyjęcie dodatkowej tabletki nie spowodowało, iż organizm "przyzwyczaił się" do dodatkowej dawki hormonów. Stosują tabletki zgodnie ze schematem - 1 tabletka dziennie przez 21 dni, mniej więcej o tej samej porze dnia i 7 dni przerwy, następnie kolejne opakowanie - będzie Pani chroniona przed ciążą, ochrona będzie zachowana.

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