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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Beata (Anonymous, 37.248.208.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can I reduce my Saxendy dose if, after switching to 1.8, I got diarrhea?

The third week I take Saxenda, for the first two weeks everything was ok, after switching to a dose of 1.8 I get diarrhea after everything I eat. Can I extend and thus return to the dose of 1.2?

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Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

To @ Jagoda131@onet.eu131: If you have experienced diarrhoea after having undergone an increase in Saxenda dose, the first thing to do is to consult the doctor who prescribed this medicine. It should be remembered that changing the dose without the advice of a doctor can lead to improper treatment and deterioration of health, so you should always consult your doctor before making changes in therapy.

Jagoda131@onet.eu131 (Anonymous, 31.0.48.) 15 months ago

For 3 days I take a dose of 2.4 but I feel very bad if I can go to 1.8???

Anna Lewandowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Jeśli przez kolejne dwa tygodnie po zwiększeniu dawki produkt jest źle tolerowany, należy rozważyć zakończenie leczenia / zmianę dawki.

Stopniowe zwiększenie dawki pozwala na ograniczenie wystąpienia ewentualnych działań niepożądanych jak np. bóle brzucha, nudności, wymioty, biegunka.

Wszelkie modyfikacje w terapii (zwiększenie/zmniejszenie) dawki zawsze trzeba konsultować z lekarzem, który zalecił stosowanie leku. Trudno to ocenić bez znajomości Pani dokumentacji medycznej.

Załączam opis preparatu:

User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
