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Motheusz (Anonymous, 31.0.34.) Warszawa 2 years ago

What if I take several tablets of Nasen and Estazolam frequently?

Hi, what if I take a 10 mg sleep medication and I take often 4 tablets and estazolam 2mg three in 2 months? After what time does these drugs disappear from the body?

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pacjent (Anonymous, 83.9.150.) 8 months ago

I've read a lot of scientific opinions here that it's getting confusing in your head. The most written is about benzodiazepine addiction, etc. What are my conclusions, man becomes addicted to everything that helps him! From estazolam, from tramal, etc., specialist doctors therefore recommend the use of antidepressants, pregabolin, etc., as the "safe" ones. As I read here, withdrawal from antidepressants or pregabolin is no different from withdrawal from benzodiazepines, and I even read a comment here about the tragic well-being after stopping these "safe" drugs. I (similarly my mother died at the age of 92), I have been taking estazolam for sleep for many years, I am aware of addiction and so what?
I live with this awareness normally, knowing that I will take a pill in the evening, eat normally, take care of many things calmly and go to sleep. I realize that this dose doesn't work for me anymore, but the placebo works, I'm calm and I go to sleep because I know I've taken. I don't understand why they started to make a big deal out of it. My doctor prescribed me Pregabolin, I feel terrible after it, I practically don't function, my head is confused, I don't want to leave the house, but yes I feel calmer and I sleep half the day. And as I read, I'm going to get addicted to it too, and withdrawal will be worse than stopping estazolam. The difference is that one is addictive faster and the other longer. But what kind of life is this. I was once prescribed Chloprotixen, so I thought I was going to leave this world. After antidepressants, dry mouth, so you have to get up 5 times a night to drink, etc. After all these experiments, I think to myself. I have to take some medication anyway, and yes, for the rest of my life. Some people take heart disease, diabetes, etc. for the rest of their lives and have to live with it. So I have to take estazolam before bedtime, and during the day, when the smallest dose of tramal hurts, I feel good after it, I function normally, I can do something, etc. I'm aware that I'm addicted and I don't make a problem out of it – then I live a relatively normal life! With all the experiments with "modern" and supposedly "non-addictive" drugs, I practically did not function and it turns out - I would also become addicted. So I chose an addiction with which I live a relatively normal life! - It's my choice! And I don't want the doctor to disturb my peace of mind with other means and experiments. Thousands of people have lived like this before, died and didn't even know it, and the world didn't collapse, you have to die of something. I recently read a statement by a professor who introduced controls on the prescription of benzodiazepines so as not to disturb the peace of the elderly. Older people function normally all day long, knowing that in the evening they will take half an estazolam and fall asleep peacefully and give up these 'addictions'! Sometimes I think that it has become a big mess, because every two minutes there is an advertisement for an over-the-counter drug on TV and the first words are: 'not addictive'! "I think it's all about a lot of money. There are even drugs identical to benzo, but without a prescription and in advertising it is that great and not addictive! In conclusion, any drug that helps us is addictive. If you don't have to, don't take it after the symptoms have subsided. If you have to, don't increase the dose! "That's the crux of the matter, there's going to be a placebo and there's no need to make a drama. I've been taking benzos practically all my life, in my youth, when I had problems, and I just have this personality, I took a lot of it, because that's what doctors prescribed me. All varieties of benzodiazepines. I was unaware of it. When I think about what those doses were today, I am horrified. My son started to have problems, I saw him swallowing handfuls of some drugs /all "modern" and "non-addictive" but not only, I thought I was going to die. He slept all day and went to work, slept and went to work... So I sent him to another doctor. He's taking one medication now, maybe two in extreme cases. He functions normally, he goes fishing - he lives. I saw that he had a benzodiazepine (he didn't know what it was), he said that the doctor told him to take it as a last resort when he has anxiety, can't sleep, etc. But I can see that the boy is functioning normally. Of course, I would like him not to become addicted to any drug. But apparently the wrong "genes" were at work and he will be taking these drugs for the rest of his life. Apparently, it has to be that way. I don't bother him about these "loud and trendy" addictions, because I can see that he functions normally, so he doesn't need this knowledge. And the doctor who runs it is normal and knows what he is doing. So please don't get these "addictions" going, because it's just getting annoying... Best regards..

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Leki Nasen 10 mg (jak sądzę, chodzi właśnie o ten produkt, ponieważ nie ma leku "na sen 10 mg") i Estazolam 2 mg to silnie działające leki nasenne. Należy je stosować ściśle zgodnie z zaleceniami lekarza. Wskazane są do doraźnego i krótkotrwałego leczenia zaburzeń snu.

Standardowe dawkowanie leku Estazolam to pół tabletki lub 1 tabletka (1 mg do 2 mg) 30 minut przed snem. Zalecana dawka leku Nasen wynosi 10 mg (1 tabletka) raz na 24 godziny na ogół bezpośrednio przed snem, chociaż niektórym pacjentom lekarz może przepisać mniejszą dawkę.

Stosowanie obu leków jednocześnie nie jest wskazane. Zarówno beznodiazepiny (estazolam), jak i zolpidem (składnik aktywny leku Nasen) wiążą się z tym samym miejscem w mózgu - z receptorami benzodiazepinowymi. Podczas równoległego stosowania może wystąpić nasilenie depresyjnego działania wpływu na OUN i inne skutki uboczne.

Podane przez Pana dawki (kilka tabletek - trzy lub cztery na raz) istotnie przekraczają podane dawki zwykle stosowane. Czy takie postępowanie zalecił Panu lekarz? Jeśli stosuje Pan lek w ten sposób na własną rękę, to nie jest to postępowanie prawidłowe i może doprowadzić do powikłań. Trudno mi określić jakich, proponuję w tej sprawie zwrócić się do psychiatry, który oceni to kompleksowo po zebraniu dokładnego wywiadu. Z pewnością należy brać pod uwagę rozwój uzależnienia:


Okres półtrwania zolpidemu jest krótki. Działanie produktu leczniczego utrzymuje się przez okres do 6 godzin, a po około 12-14 godzinach w organizmie nie powinno być już substancji. Natomiast okres półtrwania estazolamu jest długi i wynosi od 10 do 24 godzin po podaniu jednorazowym. Oznacza to, że pełne wydalenie substancji z organizmu może trwać nawet kilka dni.

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