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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Asia21 (Anonymous, 80.87.33.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Where to buy and how to use Rybelsus?

I want to buy Rybelsus for weight loss, what dose can I start with?

4 answers, 3 subscribers

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Dostępność leku Rybelsus w aptekach połączonych z portalem można sprawdzić tutaj:


Z uwagi na jego wysoką cenę, apteki mogą nie decydować się na magazynowaniu tego produktu - jest on z reguły zamawiany z hurtowni dla konkretnego pacjenta.

Lek dostępny jest wyłącznie na receptę, dawkowanie ustalane jest indywidualnie.
Jak podaje producent: "Dawka początkowa semaglutydu wynosi 3 mg raz na dobę, przez jeden miesiąc. Po pierwszym miesiącu dawkę należy zwiększyć do dawki podtrzymującej wynoszącej 7 mg raz na dobę. Po co najmniej jednym miesiącu przyjmowania dawki 7 mg raz na dobę dawkę można zwiększyć do dawki podtrzymującej wynoszącej 14 mg raz na dobę w celu dodatkowej poprawy kontroli glikemii. Maksymalna zalecana pojedyncza dawka semaglutydu wynosi 14 mg na dobę. Nie przeprowadzono badań dotyczących przyjmowania dwóch tabletek zawierających dawkę 7 mg w celu osiągnięcia działania dawki 14 mg, dlatego taki sposób przyjmowania nie jest zalecany."

Allla (Anonymous, 5.20.18.) 5 months ago

I want to buy

Ira  (Anonymous, 84.172.152.) 9 months ago

You start with 3 mg, after a month you should increase the Dodis to 7 mg and then to 14 mg after another month
I'm taking e just 3 days. 1.5 kg are gone... I'm not hungry at all, I really don't know that. Normally, I could eat all the time. That's just over. I take it in the morning at 6 o'clock with 150 ml of water and then wait 2/3 hour before eating. I then eat 2 wholemeal breads and a cottage cheese around 8-9 and drink very thin cherry spritzer and no coffee yet. I haven't been hungry at all since that breakfast. Now it's 8.30 p.m. and there's still no hunger... I drink very thin cherry spritzer. Let me see... why should I eat now when I'm not hungry? Let's see what the scales say tomorrow. In any case, it is very strange not to be hungry. I'm not tired, on the contrary, I feel fitter and more alert than usual and that's without coffee. Actually, I could never do without coffee. This semaglutide is truly a "game changer", Whoever invented this will receive a medal from me and of course the dear Spanish doctor who prescribed it to me so that I can finally lose 30 kg. Let's see if my doctor in Germany will also prescribe the drug to me. If I only use it as a private prescription then that's the way it is. In Spain I also had to pay for it myself, but it's worth it to me to fight my pre-diabetes and the opportunity to get rid of my 30 km overweight.

Mario (Anonymous, 83.4.22.) 2 years ago

This is a cure for diabetes and not weight loss, because one lady with another want to get rid of 2 kg and buy to death although they are not sick, some idiocy in our country, and doctors prescribing the drug to people without diabetes should lose the rights to treatment.

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