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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Lucyna (Anonymous, 83.26.224.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Should I continue to use Pimafucin if I have strong brown discharge after it?

I have Pimafucin intra-phatically. After the first dose of strong brown discharge, after 3 further spotting. Should I take for 6 days or continue to take? Can there be such symptoms?

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

To @JUSTYNA: If I understand correctly, are you using birth control pills and have recently missed a break for withdrawal bleeding? In this case, it is normal that spotting and mid-cycle bleeding may occur at the time of taking active tablets - this is a side effect of skipping a break.

JUSTYNA (Anonymous, 192.162.61.) 1 year ago

Hello, I got inflammation most likely after using a moisturizing gel... Once I already had such a situation, which quite quickly passed after 2 applications pimaficunem. Now the doctor, of course, also prescribed this drug. I am after two applications and I have the impression that when this globule begins to dissolve at night, it itches me more as I take a shower in the morning it is ok. The second thing is that I am 3 days before menstruation pills have been extended for another month so de facto menstruation was not 2 months. And now I noticed that spotting appears, is it possible that menstruation begins? I will add that the doctor was on Tuesday and said that ringworm was starting to appear but in general everything was fine...

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Silne brunatne upławy po zastosowaniu leku Pimafucin nie są normalne i powinny skłonić Panią do niezwłocznej konsultacji z lekarzem. W tej sytuacji proponuję odstawić lek, ale należy mieć świadomość, że objawy choroby, z powodu której lek jest stosowany mogą nawrócić.

Proszę pamiętać, że działania niepożądane leków powinno się zgłaszać lekarzowi lub indywidualnie. Zgłaszając działania niepożądane pomaga Pani innym pacjentom, również swoim bliskim, którzy kiedyś także mogą potrzebować tego samego leku. Krok ten pozwala także zgromadzić więcej informacji na temat bezpieczeństwa stosowania produktów leczniczych i aktualizować dane na ich temat. O tym, jak to zrobić, pisaliśmy tutaj: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-i-dlaczego-zglaszac-dzialania-niepozadane

User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
