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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Emilia (Anonymous, 46.205.193.) Warszawa 2 years ago

How to proceed in case of numbness of the upper limbs?

Good morning, I have been numb at night of my hands for over a week now. Most often the little finger and 2 more numb only at night, I have to massage to regain feeling. This happens for two hands alternately. I will add that at that time I took xifaxan 3 x 2 for 10 days on SIBO. The neurologist recommended neurovit 3x 1 for 3 months I checked what this drug contains and I did blood tests for Wit B12 and it came out very high, i.e. for me 820 and the norm is UP to about 880. The question arises whether I really should take neurovit if I have such a large il Wit b12? And is it up to 3 months if the drug should be taken according to the leaflet up to 1 month? I will add that since March I have been diagnosed with celiac disease and I have been on the BG diet since then. Please advise

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Weronika Błaszczyk, lek. Doctor

2 years ago

Proszę zastosować lek zgodnie z zaleceniami lekarza wobec Pani obaw można rozważyć badanie poziomu B12 po miesiącu przyjmowania leku.
Opisane przez Panią objawy mogą sugerować zmiany zwyrodnieniowe w kręgosłupie szyjnym. Warto byłoby przeanalizować wywiad lekarski pod kątem chorób towarzyszących.

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