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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Mila (Anonymous, 31.0.120.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Is it worth changing milk if the baby has a cough?

Hello. Please give me a hint. The doctor changed the milk for the baby after the nose flew a runny nose (water) to Bebilon pepti milk. After this milk began to terribly downpours even vomiting settles very rarely and has a suffocating cough I was with him at the doctor got 12 injections because the doctor said that he has like inflammation of the upper respiratory tract injections he ran out I was again at the doctor doctor said that the son is nothing and you do not have to do anything about it and still has a suffocating cough even until he breathes can not sleep because the cough tires him at night I wake up a few times where before I got up once or twice just to eat I asked the doctor to change his milk but he said that it is not from milk. It has been going on for a month and the son is 4 months old. Change his milk to the previous one that he had, i.e. Bebiko or continue to keep him at bebilon and as the doctor said to inchalowac him. Please help. Is it possible to report such a toddler to another doctor and what specialization because I do not know

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Madzia  (Anonymous, 5.172.235.) 2 years ago

Dzień dobry ja pisze z takim pytaniem. Czy zmieniała pani dziecku mleko z bebilonu pepti syneo. Bo się zastanawiam. Bo moje dziecko po tym mleku ma chrypkę jak uleje. Strasznie ból brzucha zaparcia i mu chrypi... Dziecko 2 miesiące skończy 22. Proszę o odpowiedź czy pani zmieniała mleko na inne

Karolina Westfal Pharmacist

2 years ago

Warto całą sytuacje skonsultować z innym pediatrą. Opisywana sytuacja trwa już dość długo. Może to być przeziębienie, a również może to być zapalenie oskrzeli lub płuc. Opisywane dolegliwości mogą wskazywać również na refluks. Trudno ocenić bez badania przedmiotowego, dlatego konsultacja lekarska jest wskazana. Warto pamiętać, że infekcje u niemowlaka dość szybko mogą przerodzić się w poważniejsze dolegliwości.

User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
