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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Asia (Anonymous, 37.225.71.) Warszawa 2 years ago

What is caused by a headache that persists a few weeks after being vaccinated against Covid 19

Hello, on September 28 I took 1 dose of pfaizer vaccine, the same day for the evening I felt a huge pain in the back of my head with burning and tingling sensation, I have never experienced anything like this before, after 5 days I landed on the sor tomograph showed nothing ecg heart also fine and to this day my head hurts and burns at the same time, the burning goes down on my back, I do not have problems with pressure, whether someone may have had similar symptoms and how he coped with it, after all, you can not eat the whole life of gunpowder. Please let someone help

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Weronika Błaszczyk, lek. Doctor

2 years ago

Wobec opisanych przez Panią objawów, warto skonsultować się z lekarzem rodzinnym oraz neurologiem, którzy pomogą w diagnostyce bólu głowy, którego Pani doświadcza. Należy wykonać także badania laboratoryjne-morfologia z rozmazem, ponieważ uczucie parastezji z towarzyszącym bólem mogą być objawem niedoboru witamin z grupy B.

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