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Vio992 (Anonymous, 85.255.233.) Warszawa 2 years ago

I used Iladian, there was bleeding, and I should have the planned period only in 12 days

Good morning I used 5 days iladian direct plus and there was bleeding planned period I should have only in 12 days can it be caused by iladian globules?

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

2 years ago

Iladian direkt plus to wyrób medyczny i nie powinien spowodować spowodować wcześniejszego wystąpienia krwawienia.

Zostawiam link do kategorii poświęconej infekcjom intymnym.

Zostawiam również link dotyczący zgłaszania działań niepożądanych: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-i-dlaczego-zglaszac-dzialania-niepozadane

Lucyna  (Anonymous, 5.173.241.) 6 months ago

Similarly, after 3 days of using Iladian Plus, I started bleeding and I was supposed to get my period in 13 days. For me, this is a bizarre situation, if Iladian is a prebiotic, why does menstruation come from?

Monika (Anonymous, 77.115.141.) 13 months ago

After using Iladian, I also experienced pink spotting.

Alicja (Anonymous, 5.184.119.) 17 months ago

I have been using discs for 3 years and for the first time I took iladian for infections and as the disc I had to remove in 4 days only a week before the planned period I got bleeding. Do you know why this is?

Kasia (Anonymous, 178.235.178.) 19 months ago

Has it been clarified what was the cause of you? I had the same situation after Iladian, the next day I started bleeding, the doctor denied that it was from Iladian. He said it could have been stress. But I'm taking contraception so I don't know what to think, I got antihemorrhagics.

Iwona  (Anonymous, 45.85.10.) 1 year ago

For me, after a few days of using Iladian direct plus, pink spotting began.

Joanna (Anonymous, 46.204.8.) 1 year ago

Vio992 I also have the same problem you wrote about. Also after a few tablets there was a period that I was supposed to get in 14 days. Did you explain and confirm that it was because of these Iladian pills?

Felicja (Anonymous, 85.255.235.) 1 year ago

Also bleeding, probably the next day. At first fresh, not much, and now from 2-3 days it flows brown, when rubbing. I go to the doctor after the weekend.

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