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Loloa (Anonymous, 37.30.53.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Can I combine Setaloft 50 with alcohol?

Is it possible to drink alcohol by taking setaloft 50 or do you have to do on this day what you are going to drink alcohol to take a break?

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Karolina Westfal Pharmacist

3 years ago

It is not recommended to drink alcohol during sertraline therapy. Both the drug and alcohol are metabolized in the liver, so their simultaneous intake is an additional burden on this organ and affects the action of the drug. It should be remembered that frequent drinking of alcohol during antidepressant treatment may reduce the effectiveness of therapy. You can not stop taking Setaloft yourself. If the doctor decides to stop the therapy, it is necessary to reduce the dose and use it for at least two weeks. Sertraline withdrawal (especially abrupt) often causes withdrawal symptoms. The most commonly reported reactions are dizziness, sleep disturbance, headache and anxiety. I enclose the leaflet to the drug: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/70771/setaloft-50-mg-tabletki-powlekane/ulotka/118367

Kate (Anonymous, 91.240.198.) 2 years ago

Not recommended . It's obvious. But if during the treatment it happens to drink once in a while then probably nothing terrible will happen . We are not talking here about frequent drinking only occasionally .

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