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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Piotr (Anonymous, 94.101.21.) Warszawa 3 years ago

How long is Asertin excreted from the body?

After the end of treatment with Asertin 50, how long is it excreted from the body?

3 answers, 1 subscriber

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

Metabolity sertraliny (substancji czynnej leku Asertin) kumulują się w organizmie, przez co całkowita eliminacja leku z organizmu może potrwać nawet do 3 tygodni.

Poniżej załączam ulotkę leku:


Tajemniczo (Anonymous, 178.36.33.) 1 year ago

I take 4 day this drug but half a tablet for seven days after the first day headache hurts in the evening with an hour later I had a strange heat in the whole body later I have to take up to a month 50g today passes only 4 day and so far I do not see the effect, it is on the contrary I constantly yawn concentration disorder, at night I wake up feeling as if I was tearing from the inside pressure from time to time as if under the throat something similar to the gag reflex come it is not this... this medication exacerbates these symptoms instead of calming down ....

Piotr (Anonymous, 94.101.21.) 3 years ago

Zażywałem ten lek prawie siedem tygodni. Piotr

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