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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Aleksandra (Anonymous, 37.109.33.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Should I be concerned if I have been taking birth control pills for a year and now three days before the planned withdrawal bleeding spotting has appeared?

Hello! I have been taking two-component contraceptive pills for a year (21 + 7) I did not have any problems when taking pills earlier, but today (Sunday) I got a small amount of brown spotting. The last pill I should take tomorrow (which I'm going to do) , always withdrawal bleeding gets in the middle. Is this brown spotting a cause for concern? I take pills regularly, I pay attention to how I eat and what drugs I take, so I am very concerned about today's situation. While taking this blister - at the beginning of taking it I was stressed and now I had a cold and I took Aspirine and groprinosin (for 3 days I took this combination). He has regular intercourse with my partner, usually we also use mechanical protection, but not always. Intercourse never ends with a direct ending in me. Is contraception preserved? Should spotting almost 3 days before withdrawal bleeding be a cause for concern?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

Jeśli sytuacja pojawiła się po raz pierwszy, a dodatkowo przechodziła Pani ostatnio infekcję - plamienie trzy dni przed planowanym krwawieniem z odstawienia nie powinno niepokoić.
Leki Aspirin i Groprinosin nie wpływają na skuteczność antykoncepcji. W opisanym przez Panią przypadku ochrona została zachowana. Jeśli plamienie pojawi się również w kolejnych cyklach, warto skonsultować się ze swoim ginekologiem.

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