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Daria (Anonymous, 185.157.15.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Should Berodual and Nebbud be combined in one nebulization?

The doctor prescribed a child 4 years. 1 ampoule of nebbud and 13 drops of berodual. Do I pour 1 amp and 13 drops into the nebulizer with a total inhalation and it inchal?

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

There are two ways of inhaling Nebbud and Berodual.

The first method is to inhale both preparations together. This method is especially recommended for small or impatient patients.

The second method is to administer the drugs Nebbud and Berodual in two separate inhalations. Then the first drug Berodual is given to dilate the bronchi. The recommended number of drops should be supplemented with saline. About 15 minutes after administration of Berodual, Nebbud with anti-inflammatory m.in properties is administered in the next inhalation. Separating the preparations prolongs the inhalation time.

Both are correct. Due to the fact that Berodual and Nebbud are only obtained with a prescription, it is worth asking how to properly inhale in a specific case.

You will need a nebuliser to administer these medicines. I've attached links to websites where you can compare the prices of sample inhalers in online pharmacies and order them with pickup at the pharmacy or home delivery:



You can read about how to properly inhale in our article:


I've also attached other helpful articles:



In cities such as Warsaw, Wrocław, Łódź or Białystok, products can be ordered with instant delivery even in 1 hour thanks to the Wolt Drive service - check if the service is available in your location:


Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

10 months ago

To @Iwo:

The method of inhalation depends on the doctor's recommendation.

In the case of doctor's indications, it is absolutely reasonable to perform two separate inhalations.

We wrote about how to properly inhale in the article:


Iwo  (Anonymous, 37.30.116.) 10 months ago

First, berodual is administered separately and after 15 minutes in another inhalation of nebbud

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Tak, całą ampułkę leku Nebbud i 13 kropli Berodualu należy wlać do komory inhalatora łącznie i wykonać inhalację.

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