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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Iwona  (Anonymous, 89.64.85.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Can one tablet of Efectin be followed by weakness, followed by agitation?

Hello. I took only one tablet of Efectin 75 and after 2 hours I felt such a downhill. I felt high. I had the impression of shortness of breath. Breaths helped a lot. Snorting air with your nose and letting it out with your mouth. After an hour, this state passed. And suddenly I became very agitated. My pupils got bigger, and I suddenly wanted to get up and do something. I even started talking more and I felt that it was not very natural. Are these normal symptoms after just one tablet? To be honest, I'm afraid to take the second one. That he would experience the same thing again. I felt drunk at first and then stoned. I apologize for the thyness but that was my feeling. The doctor advised me to take one tablet a day. And I feel like it's a very strong drug. I can't split the pill because it's a powder capsule inside.

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Do @nikt taki: zachęcam do zgłoszenia swoich objawów lekarzowi, który zna Pana/Pani dokumentację medyczną, prowadził wywiad i może w takiej sytuacji pokierować pacjentem.

nikt taki (Anonymous, 83.28.214.) 2 years ago

mam dokładnie to samo. w tym momencie jestem w fazie "naćpania" i nie wiem co mam zrobić z druga dawką...

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Objawy takie jak duszność, pobudzenie czy osłabienie po pierwszej tabletce leku Efectin to częste działania niepożądane. Zaobserwowane skutki uboczne należy zgłosić lekarzowi - zwykle ustępują one w trakcie trwania terapii.

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