Willkommen in den lizenzierten Apotheken in Polen:

Lieferung rezeptfreier Medikamente in ganz Europa.

Häufig bestellt: Potenzbooster (Sildenafil OTC), Raucherentwöhnungshilfen.

Informacje (Anonym, 188.147.5.) Kraków 2 Jahre vor

Wohin kann ich Johnson und Johnson in Krakau dampfen yir?

Wohin kann ich Johnson und Johnson in Krakau dampfen yir?

1 Antwort

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Aleksandra Żywiec-Pelczar Apotheker

2 Jahre vor

Vaccinations against COVID-19 of foreigners legally residing in Poland are free.
If you are foreigner and have a PESEL number, you will be registered for vaccination automatically. If you do not have a PESEL number you have to contact a general practice physician who can issue an e-referral for vaccination.

With the e-referral, you can register for vaccination in one of three ways:

- via the helpline 989 - You can choose the place, date and type of vaccine,

- by sending an SMS saying: SzczepimySie to the number 664 908 556 or 880 333 333,

- directly at a vaccination point of your choice - on these website you can find vaccination points in Kraków: https://www.gov.pl/web/gov/szukaj?scope=szczepimysie&query=krak%C3%B3w

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