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Ola  (Anonymous, 37.248.154.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Can Gynoxin Optima cause amenorrhea?

Is it normal that after the drug gynoxin optima period is late for me already 6 days? Anyone also had it?

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

W Karcie Charakterystyki Produktu Leczniczego Gynoxin Optima nie ma informacji, aby lek ten opóźniał wystąpienie miesiączki.
Jeśli cokolwiek Panią niepokoi, proszę skonsultować się z ginekologiem, który poszerzy diagnostykę i pomoże znaleźć przyczynę braku miesiączki.

Edyta (Anonymous, 37.248.216.) 13 months ago

Hello, I also used the drug period is late for me 7 days ... How are you girls? Did he come back alone or would I have to have a doctor's intervention?

Pata (Anonymous, 88.156.209.) 14 months ago

Hey, girls, did your period normalize, or did you have to visit a gynecologist? I used Gynoxin ointment two weeks ago, my cycles were stable, and now I have a 6th day delay. I thought that maybe because of this ointment and I see now that this is quite a popular problem.

Mmfjdj (Anonymous, 37.30.122.) 15 months ago

Me after them, also late period already 5day. I have an intrauterine spiral, so pregnancy is rather excluded. Has anyone already got a period from the moment of being late on their own, or did the gynecologist have to interfere with it?

Felll (Anonymous, 37.30.108.) 1 year ago

Did any of you get a period after this delay? After what time?

Kasia99 (Anonymous, 188.146.192.) 2 years ago

I'm also late menstruation. And I exclude pregnancy. I am terribly disappointed with this drug. I had a set cycle and now it has been disturbed.

Edit (Anonymous, 213.199.255.) 2 years ago

Victoriaaa period itself came back or you had to take something give an answer

Edit (Anonymous, 213.199.255.) 2 years ago

Lolo and how it ended with you, you got a period. Give an answer also I have a problem

Wiktoriaaa (Anonymous, 46.134.92.) 2 years ago

After taking 3 globules, spotting and lack of period for 2 months 🙃 appeared

Marta (Anonymous, 31.0.57.) 2 years ago

I also spoznia a month after these globules, already 8 day

Lolo (Anonymous, 89.64.33.) 2 years ago

After using this drug, too, my period is late - 13 days. I exclude pregnancy or other reasons. The drug disrupted my daily cycle for years. I'm disappointed.

Karolina (Anonymous, 89.66.112.) 2 years ago

U mnie jest podobnie. Okres spóźnia mi się 10 dni. Wykonany test ciążowy oraz hcg. Przed wzięciem globulki nie miałam problemów z okresem, dlatego łączę to z globulkami. Oczywiście wizyta u ginekologa nieunikniona, ale z tego co czytam na Internecie, to problem nie jest jednoosobowy.

User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
