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Bogna (Anonymous, 178.235.254.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Are Dr. Podbielski's TP-2 micronutrients purchased online from the Dr. Podbielski Foundation safe for health?

Are Dr. Podbielski's TP-2 Micronutrients purchased online from the Dr. Podbielski Foundation safe for health

6 answers, 1 subscriber

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zdrowy (Anonymous, 194.28.14.) 5 months ago

I know a lot of people who use TP2 and everyone says the same thing helped ! And the medications from the pharmacy unfortunately did not help. Since I've been using micronutrients myself, I don't get sick with anything, not even a cold. In Klaus Oberbeil's book Minerals are described as how we can cure any disease with mere erals. Recommend

Natura  (Anonymous, 82.160.149.) 8 months ago

I am a pharmacist and, unfortunately, I have to say that modern medicine is not always able to cope with the most severe cases. I see this every day with my patients. Pharmaceutical companies are profit-oriented, not necessarily focused on healing patients. To cure is not the same as to cure. Since TP2 has been used by people with serious diseases for several decades, and the preparations have been tested by several respected medical and medical institutions, m.in. by the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Poznań University of Medical Sciences in 2003, where it was stated that neither the composition nor the dosage causes any problems or threats to health and life, and was signed by Professor Jan Pawlaczyk himself. In addition, they have been tested by the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate and the Food and Nutrition Institute.
I myself use it prophylactically and I recommend it to all my friends as soon as I find out that they have cancer. In my pharmacy I have a 70-year-old patient who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 3 years ago. Doctors gave him a maximum of six months. He started drinking it, he has been living for 3 years, he feels very well and the cancer does not bother me in any way.

Julia Sk  (Anonymous, 79.175.209.) 12 months ago

My case was also uncurable. The doctor's decision, remove the ovaries. I treated myself with TP1 and TP2 preparations. I was checked up by a specialist gynecologist, the diagnosis 'I can give birth to children'. The ovaries regenerated and got a second youth. Today I cured a tumor of the larynx. As an allergy-asmatic I used a lot of inhaled steroids and hence the problem with the larynx. I went back to a proven treatment and started using TP2 in combination with silicon lotion. The result was very good, the loudspeaker returned. I am happy with the achievements of recovery. I wish you all good health.

Joanna.Mikolajczyk (Anonymous, 37.30.32.) 19 months ago

I have known this DRUG for 40 years. My.grandmother had colon cancer.Doctors.did not want to operate. Grandmothers.we took that.hospital in agonal state. We gave Tp1 and Tp2. She recovered.She lived 12 years.She died of heart disease.over the years, this drug helps many of my friends. To.Wonderful preparation.

Sage56 (Anonymous, 174.209.40.) 2 years ago

Mikroelementy dr Podbielskiego uratowaly zycie mojej mamusi, ktora miala raka jajnika. Bylo to ponad 40 lat temu.
Pomogly kuzynowi mojego meza, ktory mial raka trzustki i wg lekarzy zostalo mu najwyzej 6 miesiecy zycia. Moj znajomy wyleczyl sie z niuleczalnego raka watroby, stosujac mikroelementy TP1 I TP2. Obecnie moj 81 letni sasiad je stosuje I jego rak prostaty cofa sie w szybkim tempie. Sasiad odmlodnial, jest pelen energii, gubi nadwage.

Mam takich przykladow mnostwo, poniewaz znam mikroelementy od ponad 40 lat i o ich dzialaniu opowiadam rodzinie I znajomym od lat. Ci, ktorzy maja otwarty umysl, probuja je stosowac i widza bardzo szybko pozytywne zmiany zarowno w stanie swojego zdrowia, jak i w wynikach badan labolatoryjnych.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Ponieważ preparat Mikroelementy TP-2 Dr Podbielskiego jest suplementem diety, nie badano jego bezpieczeństwa, ani skuteczności. Nie jest to także produkt apteczny, zatem ciężko jest powiedzieć cokolwiek o tym produkcie opierając się jedynie na informacjach zawartych na stronie producenta.
Należy zwrócić uwagę, iż inicjatywa badań fundacji o której Pani wspomina powstała bardzo niedawno - rok temu, wyniki prezentowane na stronie nie są publikowane w czasopismach naukowych, a jedynie na stronie producenta, a ich jakość jest co najmniej wątpliwa. Ponadto publikacje rzekomych badań dr Podbielskiego pochodzą z czasopism sprzed 30-40 lat, co dodatkowo podaje w wątpliwość rzekomą skuteczność preparatu. Proszę

Załączam link do naszego artykułu, w którym poruszamy temat zakupu produktów poza apteką: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/dlaczego-warto-kupowac-leki-tylko-w-aptece

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