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Klara (Anonymous, 5.184.210.) Warszawa 2 years ago

Could cipronex side effects occur 10 weeks after the end of therapy?

Ten weeks ago I was taking Cipronex 500 twice a day for the urinary system. I took it 3 days (exactly 7 tablets - the last fourth day one). From 4 weeks he feels slight muscle pain during even the slightest effort. In addition, he has been feeling discomfort/suffering from the lower back, lower abdominal pain and leg acerd for a week. Could the side effects of this drug occur after such a time? I haven't taken any other drugs this year. (Female under 21).

16 answers, 2 subscribers

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

2 years ago

Nie można wykluczyć, że opisane przez Panią problemy zdrowotne wynikają z wcześniejszego przyjmowania leku Cipronex. Niekiedy skutki uboczne ujawniają się dopiero po dłuższym czasie, mimo że do uszkodzenia danej struktury organizmu doszło wcześniej - na etapie przyjmowania leku.

Sugerowałabym kontakt z lekarzem prowadzącym.

Karo (Anonymous, 95.215.198.) 15 days ago

Unfortunately, I have the same thing, for two years, muscle and joint pain, I have also been diagnosed for 2 years and nothing is known. :( all after this antibiotic

Boba (Anonymous, 83.20.8.) 2 months ago

"I'm in my 50s. Health OK, blood tests OK, except too high for the new cholesterol norm.
Cipronex 500mg in a 5-day treatment for bladder problems did not help, but it provided new and also permanent... Experience. In addition to breaking down, as with the flu during these 5 days, the next day after taking the first tablet, cardiac arrhythmia and tinnitus in the morning (when the body is calm). The next tinnitus also before falling asleep. After finishing the treatment(?) with Cipronex 500mg, the noise gradually grew and now it is accompanied by a kind of roaring that makes you want to do everything. On top of that, there were cramps in my calves and some tension in my facial muscles. Cipronex 500mg with ciprofloxacin contained in it should be classified as a toxic substance, poison and be withdrawn from the market. People, don't take it, because it doesn't heal, it destroys health! Hasn't humanity really come up with anything better for inflammation of the urinary system?"

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

3 months ago

Yes, palpitations can occur after the first tablet of Cipronex.

If you notice any side effects, you should report them to your doctor, who will decide what to do next. You can find out why you should report adverse drug reactions here:


If you do not have the opportunity to consult your doctor, you can use the teleconsultation here:


Paula (Anonymous, 193.192.170.) 4 months ago

Can I experience heart palpitations after 1 dose of Cipronex 500mg?

Megi (Anonymous, 5.173.66.) 12 months ago

To Mrs. Lilka, can you please contact you? I also stopped sleeping after the antibiotic. It happened 2.5 years ago and it still continues.

Zbigniew (Anonymous, 195.64.159.) 13 months ago

All substitutes have the same ingredients ,,,,,treatment with this is ,,,disability

Zbigniew (Anonymous, 195.64.159.) 13 months ago

Cipronex levoxa severe irreversible effects of the drug even after years

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

15 months ago

To @Kasia: Ciprofloxacin (the active ingredient in Cipronex) is removed from the body within 1-2 days. Side effects of treatment should disappear within a few days of the last dose. If you still feel any worrying symptoms, you should see a doctor.

Kasia (Anonymous, 37.248.168.) 15 months ago

How long will it take for these side effects to subside? I took the drug cipronex 500 for 3 days after a week I feel tragic. Nothing improves, taxiing in the head, headache in the back and the heart does not work evenly. Is there a chance that it will go backwards?

lilka (Anonymous, 178.252.34.) 19 months ago

For 6 years after a treatment with cipronex taken for 10 days 2 x a day 500 mg I stopped sleeping. I am constantly looking for natural methods, e.g. cleansing the body, homeopathic medicines, herbal mixtures, essential oils and many other treatments. For now, I'm falling asleep after the homeopathic remedy Coffea toast. Most often about 2 hours after a quiet day without any emotions - good or bad. I am very afraid of psychotropic drugs and drugs in general. Before you take an antibiotic, think carefully. Some have it even worse. Drinking beer at night also helps me. I can say I'm hungover.

Maciej (Anonymous, 77.254.211.) 1 year ago

Muscle and joint pain, damage to the nerves and muscles of the larynx, complete voicelessness from 6 months after ciprofloxacin.

Będzie dobrze (Anonymous, 88.156.130.) 2 years ago

Abigail co dokladnie ci jest .Ja po nolicinie mam ból nóg. EMG wyszło dobrze nerwy cale oraz badanie CK też ok .hmm co za dziadostwo

Abigail (Anonymous, 91.90.162.) 2 years ago

Tak, ja mam poważne uszkodzenia układu mięsniowo-szkieletowego oraz nerwowego po tym antybiotyku, objawy wystąpily po kilku tygodniach.

Response removed because: duplicates existing content.

Będzie dobrze (Anonymous, 88.156.130.) 2 years ago

Witaj mam pytanie przeszły ci te objawy

Klara (Anonymous, 5.184.210.) 2 years ago

Dodam też że od jakiegoś czasu zaczęłam miewać objawy podobne do depresji

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