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bgoldenn (Anonymous, 78.9.27.) Warszawa 3 years ago

How to give 0.25 mg of pena with Ozempic 1 mg?

I should use a dose of 25 mg according to the doctor's recommendations, and I have pens with a dose of 1mg, the manufacturer recommends to set the dose to 1 mg but I'm afraid that it will be too much for the first time, I tried to divide the same scale into 4 parts but after the injection practically nothing was that the pen, how should I do it?

17 answers, 3 subscribers

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Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

3 years ago

According to unofficial sources, to administer a dose of 0.25 mg with a 1 mg pen, you need to count down the "18 clicks" / "dots" in the pen window. However, as I have already mentioned - this is not an official recommendation, but a practice that functions among patients and I am not able to indicate whether the manufacturer also recommends such solutions.

Therefore, contact your doctor to instruct you on how to measure the prescribed dose.

Ozempic comes in 3 different dosages. There are 3 pens available, which differ in the ability to set a specific dose.

The starting dose is 0.25 mg and this is what you should give according to your doctor's instructions. A dose of 1 mg will be too high. The easiest way would be for you to get a prescription for an Ozempic pen that allows you to administer a 0.25 mg dose and easily set it on the pen (then you can select the 0.25 mg dose in the window). Unfortunately, you have a pen that does not have this option - there is only one option in the window to choose from - a dose of 1 mg.

But why did your doctor prescribe you at a dose of 1 mg and recommend 0.25 mg?

Due to the high price of the drug, they observe such solutions in practice. When using your pen (1 mg) it is possible to set the dose to 0.25 mg, but this is not a practice resulting from the official documents of the drug manufacturer (I did not find this information in the Polish version of the package leaflet or in the Summary of Product Characteristics).

By the way, I would like to remind you that after each administration of the drug, the needle in the pen should be changed.

I've included links to websites where you can compare the prices of needles suitable for Ozempic administration in online pharmacies and order them for pickup at the pharmacy or home delivery:




In cities such as Warsaw, Wrocław, Łódź or Białystok, products can be ordered with instant delivery even in 1 hour thanks to the Wolt Drive service - check if the service is available in your location:


Criyssy (Anonymous, 79.229.136.) 2 months ago

Please in German 🙏, can't speak Polish. Thank you!

Bbbb (Anonymous, 188.147.101.) 4 months ago

How to administer 0.25 mg from a pen with Ozempic 0.5 mg? How many clicks do you need to make then?

Justy (Anonymous, 88.156.164.) 5 months ago

I took a dose of 0.5 mg 18 clicks and it was a dose of 0.25 mg. With a dose of 1 mg 18 clicks it would be a dose of 0.5 mg. And 9 clicks will be 0.25 mg

Barbara (Anonymous, 217.252.39.) 5 months ago

Some criticize the use of 1mg of Ozempic when the patient needs 0.25 mg. However, when you can't get 0.25 mg anywhere ( called pharmacies within a radius of 100 km. It takes what it is and tries to dose accordingly.

Małgorzata Bekier Pharmacist

19 months ago

If the entire turnover of 1 mg pen is 74 clicks, then 18 clicks would mean a dose of 0.25 mg. However, I will repeat once again that this is not a recommended practice and does not guarantee the administration of exactly this dose. If your doctor has advised you to use the medicine in this way, you should instruct you accordingly, because it does not follow the manufacturer's recommendations and there are no official guidelines for such a practice. According to the instructions - first check the patency of the needle, if it is unobstructed - set the dose of the drug, successively insert the needle under the skin and press and hold the dose button.

Świeżak  (Anonymous, 31.0.2.) 19 months ago

So for a dose of 0.25 with pen 1mg you have to turn the pen knob 18 clicks and then press this button on the top of the pen?well understand?

Lekarz (Anonymous, 31.182.241.) 19 months ago

Doctors prescribing 1mg of ozempice and patients who, following the fashion, should have a dose of 0.25 mg, and they get a larger one and combine, should be ashamed of their cunning and for the risks posed to diabetics.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

In response to the great interest of patients, a non-reimbursed drug Ozempic from parallel imports appeared in pharmacies. The availability of the drug in pharmacies can be checked here: Ozempic 0.5 mg https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/99258/ozempic-iniekcja/apteki?pvid=275329 Ozempic 1 mg https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/99258/ozempic-iniekcja/apteki?pvid=275351

ona  (Anonymous, 195.47.201.) 2 years ago

by people who buy 1 mg, instead of the prescribed lower dose, the drug is not available to people who need 1 mg.. it's not a big OK on the part of doctors who "help" their patients

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Agata: The answer to your question has already been given below in the thread: "Please contact your doctor to instruct you on how to measure the prescribed dose of the drug. According to unofficial sources, to give a dose of 0.25 mg with a 1 mg pen, you need to deduct "18 clicks" / "dots" in the pen window. However, as I have already mentioned - this is not an official recommendation, but a practice that works among patients and I am not able to indicate whether the manufacturer also recommends such solutions. Therefore, I recommend that you contact your doctor to show you on the pen how exactly you should dose the medicine."

Agata (Anonymous, 37.47.180.) 2 years ago

Please write how to set the pen 1mg to give 0.25 as you can please take a picture

Ania (Anonymous, 82.113.121.) 2 years ago

18 units (18 clicks) is 0.25 per probably 1mg

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Do @Mkpp:

Ozempic może być stosowany wyłącznie przez 6 tygodni od pierwszego zastosowania leku. Pozostałości preparatu należy zutylizować zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami.

Określony okres trwałości preparatu oznacza, że tylko w tym czasie lek może być bezpiecznie zastosowany. Po upływie 6 tygodni producent nie gwarantuje bezpieczeństwa i skuteczności stosowania preparatu:

Mkpp (Anonymous, 89.64.115.) 2 years ago

Również mam zalecenie na razie brac dawke 0.25mg na tydzien, a wstrzykiwac dostalam 4x 1mg, nawet sie ucieszylam, ze tych dawek bede miala wiecej, ale teraz czytam ze wstrzykiwac moze byc otwarty 6 tyg od pierwszego uzycia? Czyli jak uzyje go 6x to wiekszosc preparatu musze wyrzucic? Moze mi pomoc w odpowiedzi ktos kto moze tez korzysta ze wstrzykiwacza 1mg?

Ozempic (Anonymous, 5.173.82.) 2 years ago

0,25 mg to 4 i pół "kreski" (kto ma wstrzykiwacz wie o co chodzi). Nakręcamy więc rzeczywiście tylko 4,5 kreski dla dawki 0,25 mg.

We wstrzykiwaczu 1 mg x 4 dawki jest w sumie 16 dawek po 0,25 mg więc możesz mieć wrażenie, że po podaniu 0,25 mg nie ubywa praktycznie nic ale to normalne.

Pierwszą dawkę leku warto przyjąć pod kontrolą lekarza. U nas świetni lekarze rodzinni uczą jak stosować ten lek i jak aplikować. I rzeczywiście, se względu na wysoką cenę leku, przepisują wstrzykiwacz 1 mg zamiast 0,25 mg (a obie dawki są w tej samej cenie) z korzyścią finansową dla pacjenta. Naturalne,że producent leku nie jest z tego zadowolony...

Igły do wstrzykiwacza można dostać w aptece, to te same igły co do insuliny.

I pamiętajcie, że lek Ozempic czy Forxiga działa ale tylko przy zmianie nawyków żywieniowych i przy ćwiczeniach. Jeśli niczego nie zmieniasz w swoim zachowaniu po odstawieniu leku mamy efekt jo-jo.

Response removed because: contributes no value to the discussion.

Jerry Ozempic (Anonymous, 84.10.108.) 3 years ago

Ja mam podobny problem,lekarz nie wiedział,że jest taki problem z dawkowaniem i zapisał mi 1mg /w domyśle dawka 0,25x4 /ale po prostu nie wiedział,ze jest taki problem z dawkowaniem. Myśle że producent zaniedbał odpowiedniego szkolenia , a już jest mało zrozumiałe dlaczego na każdą dawkę jest inna strzykawka z dziwnym aplikatorem.

User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
