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Magdalena (Anonymous, 37.225.16.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Is Narine rebuilding the myeline sheath of her nerves?

I have neurobolerioze whether narine product is indicated for this disease or rebuilds the cover they had or someone took this product in this disease Thank you for your reply

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Narine to suplement diety zawierający bakterie probiotyczne Lactobacillus zasiedlające przewód pokarmowy - żołądek, jelito cienkie oraz grube.

Suplementy diety mają za zadanie uzupełniać naszą dietę w brakujące składniki. Nie mają one właściwości leczniczych, więc nie leczą chorób, w związku z tym produkt Narine nie odbuduje bezpośrednio osłony mielinowej nerwów.
Szczegółowo pisaliśmy o tym tutaj: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czym-roznia-sie-leki-od-suplementow

Załączam link zawierający wpisy pacjentów dotyczące suplementu Narine: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/99919/narine-kapsulki/pytania

Być może któryś z naszych pacjentów wypowie się odnośnie jego stosowania w neuroboreliozie.

Sokole (Anonymous, 89.76.237.) 18 months ago

Oh, I forgot - the level of vit. D3 be sure to check yourself, it will help in the regeneration of the body and in the future, to have better immunity so that borrelia does not return. and yet - apparently only raw vegetables / fruits nourish T lymphocytes .... Most likely, not only because of chlorophyll, because not everything raw has it

Sokole (Anonymous, 89.76.237.) 18 months ago

Hi Magdaleno ☺ myelin sheath is rebuilt by lion's mane, astaxanthin - red algae, omega3 acids - preferably in a good proportion of omega3/6/9, which can be found, for example, in golden linseed / FRESH linseed oil - up to two months from pressing; In addition, the rue herb has a good effect on the conduction of neurons - helpful in demyelination, reischi mushrooms, ginkgo biloba and everything that improves memory and concentration, i.e. B12 from vegetables, folic acid, vit. C in high doses along with bioflavonoids, e.g. with rue.... everything that is an antioxidant / removes free radicals - eg chlorella, extra virgin olive oil, freshly ground milk thistle, nettle, astaxanthin again, seeds/whole grapes, blueberries, green tea, dark cocoa, itepe, itede...... everything that contains RAW chlorophyll, which also oxygenates the brain well.... COCOA BEANS brighten beautifully in the head - but attention is addictive ;) Just for common sense - 'Narine' could also help, because apparently works wonders ... The body regenerates to the state immediately after birth, supposedly and various diseases are treated 'themselves' (the strain used in this probiotic is taken from a few-day-old infant). The more it can be good, because healthy intestines are at least 50% of our immunity, and the less bacteria in the body - the better, more effective in my opinion regeneration of damaged tissues. Best regards

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