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Klaudia  (Anonymous, 176.221.123.) Warszawa 3 years ago

What can I do for foot sweating while breastfeeding?

What can I do for foot sweating while breastfeeding?

11 answers

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Kasia (Anonymous, 78.30.82.) 8 months ago

Thank you:) I hope they will help:)

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

8 months ago

To @Kasia:

The recommended method of use may vary from product to product - please refer to the package leaflet/instructions.

Kasia (Anonymous, 78.30.82.) 8 months ago

Thank you. How often should I use the preparations you mentioned in your answer?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

8 months ago

To @Kasia:

I haven't come across such preparations with the note "hypoallergenic", but if I were you, I wouldn't suggest it so much. The fact that the manufacturer does not write that the product is hypoallergenic does not mean that it will cause allergy in you.

I've attached links to preparations that may be helpful:





Kasia (Anonymous, 78.30.82.) 8 months ago

Thank you for the information:) Could you recommend me
Do you have any hypoallergenic preparations that can be used for excessive sweating of the feet?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

8 months ago

To @Kasia:

Soap can help you deal with excessive sweating of the feet, but the use of soap alone is likely to be insufficient.

Kasia (Anonymous, 78.30.82.) 8 months ago

Thank you for the information :)
I found a nanosilver soap that is described as hypoallergenic:) So I would like to ask if liquid soap with nanosilver will be helpful for sweating feet?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

8 months ago

To @Kasia:

I know only two preparations for excessive sweating of the feet, registered as medicines: Medispirant stepspray and Pedipur. The manufacturer does not provide information that they are hypoallergenic.



There are many manufacturers of nanosilver liquid soap. Information about hypoallergenicity should be found on the product packaging or the manufacturer's website. Rather, there should be no contraindications for use on allergy-prone skin and facial skin. Whether the soap will cause dryness also depends on the preparation and its other ingredients. Soap should be used on a daily basis.

I'm attaching a helpful article:


Kasia (Anonymous, 37.109.164.) 8 months ago

Is nanosilver liquid soap hypoallergenic? Can they be used for sweaty feet in a person prone to skin allergies?
If so, how often and for how long should you use it so that your feet stop sweating? Won't such a soap dry out the skin?

Can such a soap also be used in the case of perioral dermatitis to wash the face?

Kasia (Anonymous, 37.109.164.) 8 months ago

Is it possible to buy a hypoallergenic preparation for sweating feet with the status of a drug in a pharmacy?
If so, please give me a name.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

W zasadzie można stosować większość dostępnych na rynku preparatów.
Choć kwas salicylowy (jedna z substancji zawartych w preparatach na nadpotliwość stóp) może przenikać do mleka matki karmiącej, w przypadku preparatów do stosowania miejscowego przenikanie przez skórę jest znikome i nie ma możliwości, aby metabolity tej substancji dostały się do mleka w ilości mogącej ewentualnie zaszkodzić dziecku.

Stosować można, m.in. zasypki np. Alta zasypka https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/85060/zasypka-przeciwpotowa-proszek/apteki/w-polsce

spraye: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/1625/acerin-komfort-dezodorant-do-obuwia-i-stop-aerozol/apteki/w-polsce

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