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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Agata (Anonymous, 78.10.241.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Patches 35transtec I want to live so as not to wear it I have a small ...

35transtec patches I want to live so as not to wear it, I have a small child and I got addicted to them, I want to stop wearing it because I know that I am getting worse and worse I am 28 years old ... And life ahead... If only I forget to stick after bathing and hurts, gets up, does not function, my legs hurt, I feel a drug addict ... I have shortness of breath. And everything will happen.. what I can replace is not so strong that I can come down completely from it

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Agaaga (Anonymous, 79.186.144.) 1 year ago

Hey. I am 42 years old, I have been using transtec for about 8 years. The doctor stated that if he wants to wean him, it is only in hospital conditions (the heart can get off). I would like to ask what the doctor prescribed you these patches for?

miidiDEvvvv (Anonymous, 31.183.252.) 1 year ago

transtec sensitizes skore skora after it swedzi unfortunately either it is the fault of glue or we are allergic to something from the patch or buprenorphine I, for example, I am allergic to nickel chromium and also have such changes under the patch

miidiDEvvvv (Anonymous, 31.183.252.) 1 year ago

from this it is impossible to get out of this drug takes them already for 4 years

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Marta: perhaps you should consult a doctor, e.g. a specialist in the field of pain management, who will suggest another way of therapy. An example of a doctor's opinion can be found here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/opinie-i-pytania/54632/transtec-jak-odstawic-plaster-transtec

Marta (Anonymous, 89.64.37.) 2 years ago

Hello, soon there will be a year as I use these cursed patches I have already gone to a lower dose and I have Transtec 35mg. Now I was told to stick half a patch, and I can not function normally, I am flooded with sweats, I sleep almost all the time, my head pulsates and nothing even the strongest can eliminate it, and literally pounding my heart. What am I supposed to do if the doctor says that everything is ok? And I can't stand how long it takes to put this patch away??? In addition, they have been creating wounds on my body for some time.

nnnn (Anonymous, 31.183.251.) 3 years ago

transtec nie uzależnia nie wiem skąd takie odczucie stosuje je dwa lata na przepuklinę L5 S1 odstawiałem na pół roku i nie miałem potrzeby zakładania tego...

Agata (Anonymous, 5.173.242.) 3 years ago

Jak długo czeka się na odpowiedź specjalisty

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

Wkrótce specjalista odpowie na Pani pytanie.

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