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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Ola (Anonymous, 31.183.170.) Warszawa 3 years ago

How can I fight acne differently if Epiduo seems to me to be an advertised novelty?

Good morning, I stopped contraception and a dermatologist diagnosed me with acne. There are painful pustulets on the back and lower jaw. The condition of the skin has significantly worsened. I changed my diet to a healthier one, stabilized hormones (there was a problem with tsh) and changed the one i've been living a lockdown lifestyle. Until now, even when I was a dozen years old, I had no problems with my skin. I've never had acne before. And maybe I had pims once in my life. Now a dermatologist has prescribed him an epiduo. I'm afraid that this is too strong treatment and I do not know whether it is better to wait until the body itself normalizes the hormonal balance (according to the gynecologist it will take up to half a year) and the skin will return to its normal state without such strong boosters. He is afraid of side effects and the fact that when I finish the application the skin will never return to normal, and the drug is advertised novelty and is pressed a little forcibly. Is it possible to do something else?

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

W przypadku wątpliwości co do zasadności otrzymanej od lekarza terapii, należy rozwiewać wątpliwości bezpośrednio w rozmowie z lekarzem.

Epiduo nie jest ani nowością na rynku aptecznym, a ani rozreklamowanym preparatem, gdyż reklama leków na receptę jest zabroniona.

Oczywiście, istnieje szereg różnych terapii przeciwtrądzikowych, jednak każdą z nich dopasowuje się indywidualnie przez dermatologa do stanu skóry i zdrowia pacjenta. Aby móc cokolwiek w tej kwestii doradzić niezbędne są oględziny Pani skóry i szczegółowy wywiad.

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