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Kiki  (Anonymous, 83.28.210.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Do you lose hair after implanting Implanon?

Do you do not know if this is the case after implanon insediation, because in me 30 % less hair .....???? I have an implant since December and after 2 week since the implantation began to fall out of my hair.. On the temples I have bald ... I was at the Trichologist treatment does not work ... Hair loss worsens... Someone had such a embody of you

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Wypadanie włosów to częste działanie niepożądane produktu Implanon. Objaw ten dotyczy średnio 1 na 10 pacjentek.

Proszę pamiętać, że działania niepożądane leków powinno się zgłaszać lekarzowi lub indywidualnie. Zgłaszając działania niepożądane pomaga Pani innym pacjentom, również swoim bliskim, którzy kiedyś także mogą potrzebować tego samego leku. Krok ten pozwala także zgromadzić więcej informacji na temat bezpieczeństwa stosowania produktów leczniczych i aktualizować dane na ich temat. O tym, jak to zrobić, pisaliśmy tutaj: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-i-dlaczego-zglaszac-dzialania-niepozadane

Wszystkie wpisy pacjentów dotyczące leku Implanon można znaleźć tutaj:

Aga  (Anonymous, 95.115.19.) 5 months ago

Girls, get that out!!!
After 3 months, they started to fall out like crazy... The results of the blood tests showed: -increase in testosterone above the norm -deficiencies of iron, ferritin, vit. D, low B12

The trichologist said that my hair is growing, but it is so weak that it falls out as soon as it grows. And in fact, thin, 5-10 cm with the onion are still flying (even though I took out the implant in November, after 3 months of insertion. I didn't want to risk further damage to the body)

I decided to get the implant after 13 years of other contraceptive methods, because after NuvaRing I had discoloration from the sun and the gynecology said that it was due to estrogen and that it was worth trying with the implant. It's a pity that she didn't advise me to stop all hormones, because after this bitter lesson I will never decide to use any method again. I'd rather take risks than lose my beauty.

Nina  (Anonymous, 94.254.184.) 1 year ago

I have had an impalnon since last year since May. After about 3 months, my hair began to fall out terribly. I think about 70% less. The gynecologist said that it is not possible but I do not believe it. I'm thinking of deletion.

Nika (Anonymous, 83.28.209.) 2 years ago

I have the same obiawy, pyt gynecologist says that it has no effect ... But I'll get an opinion anyway because the research is normal... The trichologist does not help so... And I've never had problems with hair ever...

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