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Pytanie? (Anonymous, 89.64.49.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Back pain after vaccination on COVID-19 - what to do?

Hello. 19.05.21.r I had a pfizer vaccine vaccination. The worst were two days after. Symptoms relatively passed. But one has been up to today!* Namely back/spine pain most in the lower back. (

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Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

As the Patient Ombudsman informed: From February 12, it will be possible to submit an application for a compensatory benefit for the so-called Undesirable Vaccine Reaction after vaccination against COVID-19. As stated, the condition for obtaining the compensatory benefit is the occurrence of an adverse reaction listed in the Summary of Product Characteristics of the vaccine. It could cause: - the need to stay in the hospital for at least 14 days, - the occurrence of anaphylactic shock causing the need for observation in the hospital emergency department or emergency room / hospitalization of any length. The possible maximum benefit may amount to PLN 100,000 – the amount depends on the degree of adverse reaction, as well as reimbursement of the costs of treatment and rehabilitation incurred by the patient. If you want to apply for a compensatory benefit, you must pay a fee of PLN 200. All applications will be analyzed by members of the Benefits Team from the Preventive Vaccination Compensation Fund. As stated, the task of specialists will be to issue medical opinions – on their basis, the MPC will issue decisions on granting the benefit. More information is expected to be available from tomorrow here: https://www.gov.pl/web/rpp/fundusz-kompensacyjny

Aleksandra Żywiec-Pelczar Pharmacist

3 years ago

W przypadku dolegliwości bólowych dolnej części pleców, pierwszym podstawowym badaniem jest wykonanie RTG odcinka lędźwiowo-krzyżowego kręgosłupa. Proszę zgłosić się do lekarza rodzinnego, który na podstawie zebranego wywiadu podejmie decyzję o tym, czy skierować Pana na badanie.

Z wynikiem badania należy skierować się do ortopedy. Skierowanie do ortopedy może wystawić lekarz rodzinny. W przypadku, gdy czas oczekiwania na wizytę u specjalisty w ramach NFZ jest zbyt długi i zależy Panu na czasie, bez skierowania może umówić się Pan na prywatną wizytę u ortopedy. W tym przypadku, nie warto zwlekać, gdyż możliwe, że konsultacja z ortopedą rozwieje wątpliwości i pomoże odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy ból jest związany ze szczepieniem, czy też jest to koincydencja i nieszczęśliwy zbieg okoliczności, a przede wszystkim pomoże wdrożyć właściwe leczenie.

Zachęcam do lektury artykułu:

Max 70 (Anonymous, 78.210.42.) 3 months ago

Hello. I see that I am not the only one who says that after vaccination I have back problems. I practically have no thickness between one ring and another. Before the vaccine I work. After the vaccine, I was no longer able to work. I can't stand too much, I can't sit too much, I can't even lie down! Tremendous pains. I'm going ahead with Brufen and tachidol. But we can't go on like this... Thank you!

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Kamil  (Anonymous, 91.231.61.) 13 months ago

Buy ointment DOLGIT (yellow packaging) and lubricate a decent 10cm strip on the sore spot, I helped are pain but temporary.

Olka (Anonymous, 185.21.150.) 13 months ago

Well, no changes for me, kolejan series of physiotherapy and nothing.

Kamil  (Anonymous, 91.231.61.) 13 months ago

For me, unfortunately, the return of this shit. But I apply Dolgit ointment strongly and lubricate a lot 10 minutes of rubbing, 2times a day and it was ok I went to work and the burning pain is unfortunately. And with you what?

Olka (Anonymous, 185.21.150.) 13 months ago

How are you? Kamil, how is the effect maintained after the treatments?

Kamil (Anonymous, 5.173.139.) 14 months ago

There is one more solution, namely a blockade on the spine, but this is the last resort.

Kamil  (Anonymous, 91.231.61.) 14 months ago

The wave helps with this shit, but unfortunately it will not cure it completely. For me 1.5 months after the treatments a gentle relapse,and I'm already afraid of what will happen next.

Dorota (Anonymous, 195.189.89.) 14 months ago

Kamilu I have exactly the problem as you, I only have concerns whether the wave hit the spine area will be safe,because tan is the center of these problems.p Please write how it looked with you, he would gladly use the wave gdyrz terz not n I can work

Baca (Anonymous, 46.134.124.) 14 months ago

People, you are a little interested in what is happening in the world, I came here because my mother-in-law did not listen to me and now she suffers like you and there is no way to do it, you implanted yourself with filth and you are like a ticking bomb, and all this because you think that the world is colorful and good, you are interested in geopolitics because it concerns us, Poles, a lot of conspiracy theories have recently come true

Olka (Anonymous, 185.21.150.) 14 months ago

I have the same, I sleep thanks to pregabalin, I also did not sleep from pain

Katka (Anonymous, 37.30.108.) 14 months ago

I take pregabalin 150mg at night, then I sleep at night, during the day 75 mg, because then I'm not stupefied, and I have to work after a long layoff. Do you sleep through the night,because if not for this,I would not give advice,the first mce did not burn with this pain. Sulfur baths, which I was hoping for, and mud, mud did not help in the sanatorium... Kamilu, Olu... that we finally get out of it and all those who suffer, I wish it.

Olka (Anonymous, 37.248.214.) 14 months ago

I have already taken all possible supplements I think. I also take pregabalin, the rheumatologist prescribed me sulfasazine, but it does not help. I'll ask the physio about this wave.

Kamil  (Anonymous, 91.231.61.) 14 months ago

Cat, go to the physiotherapist tell him what and how that it is from vaccination tell him that the doctors are helpless, tell him about the pain and that you want the waves, tell him that the waves help with this shit, you have so much pain is probably 1h must be this physiotherapy. Pregabelin can help you continue to take (and you help this drug after all you have been taking for a year?) Vit B is the basis and other multivitamins too. You can still sign up for a nearby spa, such as making mud wraps and bathing in the net. I did not manage because the National Health Fund considered my application three times because in the end to state that I am allegedly uninsured.circus not the state

Katka (Anonymous, 37.30.108.) 14 months ago

Kamilu, if I should immediately the entire upper limb, I hurt the right part of the chest, shoulder, shoulder, elbow, wrist and the whole hand with all fingers, burns, burns, as I write very hurts .. And whether at the first treatment you first feel more pain. Do you take and Ola vit. From group B, I from mca Neurovit, neurologist prescribed me, she said that it is a strong vit.po 3mcach effects, I take for almost a year pregabalin, vit.d3, lecithin, vit.c, zinc, multivitamin. I've never needed to supplement like this before.

Kamil  (Anonymous, 91.231.61.) 14 months ago

The doctor told me that it can be after vaccination and maybe after Chernobyl, I wanted to knock him out in the snout, but I thought that since all these resonances tomography did not show anything, the doctor takes me for some depth, and here is a hundredth of this shit doctors do not know how to treat it, only send it to a physiotherapist. I drove the whole pelvis wave, buttocks, spine,start with the greatest pains. What hurts you? From my surroundings, 1 person has such a problem the rest of nothing.

Olka (Anonymous, 185.21.150.) 14 months ago

I also feel sorry for all of us, and it's stupid for me to tell anyone about it, because I know how absurd my symptoms are and how it sounds from the side, they look at me like I'm crazy. Kamil, sides ie? There on the sides where the zebra?

Katka (Anonymous, 37.30.108.) 14 months ago

Kamilu, Olu, I feel sorry for you, myself and everyone inscribed here... Man suffers, although in good faith he agreed to this filth... I have never used medical help before, I had no need, always healthy. For this last year is just a nightmare, for the rest of my life I will regret this mistake, none of the doctors do not want to believe and I know that pretends that he does not believe, a man on his own, suffers, spends money and continues without effect ... In my environment, no one has such symptoms... Helpless family.. I need to find a good physiotherapist who will help me with this shock wave, although I heard that nerves regenerate for a long time, but I do not have the strength to wait idly and I still grab some rescue. Recently, I was hoping that a high-energy laser recommended by a neurologist 10x and nothing would help. I'll let you know what the effects will be..

Kamil  (Anonymous, 91.231.61.) 14 months ago

On the area where it hurts, I had a spine, a central side, a right side, a left side and a coccyx. I am 3 weeks from the end of treatments, at the moment the improvement is, already 3 h I can sit, previously 15 and there was crying. I'm afraid it can convert..... we'll see I had to leave work because of this shit, after 3 months I ended up sick leave I'm unemployed, here's all the state aid. I let myself be vaccinated like a moron, I am guilty of myself.

Olka (Anonymous, 185.21.150.) 15 months ago

Kamil, and to what area is this shock wave? Does the effect persist?

Anonim (Anonymous, 37.30.109.) 15 months ago

Kamilu thank you for the advice, in my case it is about the upper limb, damaged nerves by this vaccine, stinging, burning pain throughout the limb, I also spent a lot of money on doctors and physiotherapists and I hope that this wave will still help, such a man already exhausted from this pain ...

Kamil  (Anonymous, 91.231.61.) 15 months ago

Yes, the shock wave helped me, you need to take 10 treatments one treatment a week, and then see what happens, no laser current on this crap does not help. Take a 30-minute treatment, including a 15-minute massage, the rest of the shock wave, the whole hour does not make sense to take because longer massages do not help, taking 30 minutes you will save money. Buy yourself a spine exercise ball, the physiotherapist will tell you what and how, and let him show you the most important exercises. If 10 waves do not help after a month, take the second 10. I spent on doctors and treatments with 5,000 thousand I reduced pain by 70%.

Anonim (Anonymous, 37.30.109.) 15 months ago

I wanted to ask,whether the shockwave treatment will really help partially for these pains,I'm going to use. I underwent laser treatments, but even the minimum did not help. What a filth must have been in this vaccine, that such effects, a helpless man ...

Kamil  (Anonymous, 91.231.61.) 15 months ago

No laser will help, only the shock wave will cure 50% of pains, moreover, the pains have to live and unless the doctors are helpless.

Olka (Anonymous, 185.21.150.) 15 months ago

I haven't tried the laser, but I don't believe it anymore. Is there anyone here whose symptoms have passed?

Anonim (Anonymous, 37.30.108.) 15 months ago

Hello,whether for these chronic pains after vaccination helped someone high-energy laser, for post-vaccination neuropathosis

Kasia (Anonymous, 82.30.102.) 16 months ago

After the pfizer vaccine I swelled, I had an allergic reaction. On the second day from the morning began foot pain and so they hurt for more than 2 years. The doctors tell me that I must have had a serious accident that never happened. My legs hurt terribly, the pain is rushing. In the morning I have to take a huge dose of painkillers to get out of bed until 15 somehow it functions and the worst are the evenings and nights, the pain is unbearable. I had ultrasound, injections and steroid drugs and absolutely nothing helps, if someone also had such pains, how to deal with it, what to do with it because such a life is not life. I am 34 years old and have lost almost all mobility

Anonim (Anonymous, 185.128.23.) 16 months ago

I'm going to use cryosauna treatments,maybe it will help with these pains..

Kamil  (Anonymous, 91.231.61.) 17 months ago

How to cure these pains???? because I can no longer do it!!

Dorota (Anonymous, 195.189.89.) 17 months ago

I took the drug zamur twice, but it did not help me

Katka (Anonymous, 37.30.96.) 17 months ago

Mrs. Weronika, please give more data about the booster, which helped you, what vit. B prescription and multivitamin. I have been fighting pain for 13 months, evidently damaged nerves in the entire upper limb, I will be very grateful ..

Weronika (Anonymous, 89.64.57.) 17 months ago

To Xmuah - my symptoms were similar and I improved significantly after 10 months. Now, 14 months after taking the booster, I am already 90% normal, so I hope that in some time nothing will come of it. I took different medications for specific symptoms, as well as a complex of prescription B vitamins and a good multivitamin.

Kamil  (Anonymous, 91.231.61.) 17 months ago

Will Zamur help eliminate this crap after vaccination from the body? Anyone know

Kamil  (Anonymous, 91.231.61.) 17 months ago

And how's that? I have back pain for 2 years after this vaccine?? I don't know what to do anymore

Katka (Anonymous, 94.172.21.) 17 months ago

Hello, for me exactly the same, only I injured by this unfortunate third dose ... Initially, no one from the family and friends did not believe,because they were nothing and I for a year with pain,horrible burning,burning. For me fell on the entire upper limb right, shoulder, shoulder, right chest, the worst from the elbow, wrist, and the hand and fingers of the hand I have the feeling as if I just pulled out of the vice ... Sometimes I'm short of breath. I can not do any activities with my hand, because the pain immediately increases. All good results, always healthy all my life, I exercised.... I once felt vital, I can not carry and I also do not know where else to look for help ...

Olka (Anonymous, 185.21.150.) 17 months ago

Hey, I'm about to be 2 years old. It did not pass. Nothing helped. Among my close friends and family, nothing is wrong with anyone, only fell on me. In Germany, they talk and write in the media about the post-vaccination effects, people protest. There is no topic here :(

xmuuahx@gmail.com (Anonymous, 37.30.114.) 17 months ago

Hello everyone, after the 3rd dose I experienced numbness, tingling, fainting and weakness of the whole body. Tightness in the head, burning in the chest and pain in the limbs. It's a little better, but I've been struggling with it for 7 months. When I have a cold and my immune system is supposed to work, it goes crazy, as if it is damaging all my peripheral nerves all over again. Has anyone passed this after a long time, or is there hope for us? Blood tests, head resonance, cardiac ultrasound, electroneurogeaf EXEMPLARY RESULTS! It's weird, around me a lot of people are vaccinated, nothing is wrong with anyone;) Please reply to priv e-mail:)

Dorota (Anonymous, 195.189.89.) 18 months ago

Mrs. Barbara I would also be grateful for more information, where you can buy it and what its effectiveness looks like. Thank you

Katka (Anonymous, 94.172.24.) 18 months ago

Good morning, hello to all injured as I did after vaccination, a year in pain, nothing helps ...., doctors, therapists, lots of medicines, acupuncture ... Mrs. Barbara I will be grateful for more information on the preparation PURTIER, thank you in advance.

Barbara (Anonymous, 89.151.44.) 18 months ago

For complications after vaccination, PURTIER helps. It is true that genetic changes will probably not help, but the symptoms of complications will.

Dorota (Anonymous, 195.189.89.) 18 months ago

Of course, I benefited from treatment in a hyperbaric chamber, but zero effects

Lidzia (Anonymous, 5.60.78.) 18 months ago

I wish you all a good recovery.

Katarzyna (Anonymous, 212.180.213.) 18 months ago

I recommend the hyperbaric chamber to everyone. But the one with an increased pressure of 1.5 ATA, (it is therapeutic). Recently, researchers have also pointed to the possibility of increasing the production of stem cells by the body thanks to a series of hyperbaric therapy treatments. Stem cells are cells that have the ability to renew themselves almost limitlessly, which allows them to replace dead or damaged cells, and to transform into other types of cells. Look for such a chamber in your area. Perhaps it will still help you.

Joanna  (Anonymous, 46.114.5.) 18 months ago

Hello, I have the same ailments. I am vaccinated 2 times. Today I was looking for something else on the net but somehow I got here. In Western Europe, there has been a buzz about a vaccine for several weeks. Unfortunately, they made us into an egg. There are even reports that politicians knew and were vaccinated with placebos. Just to encourage people to get vaccinated. Now it's not a conspiracy theory, it's a fact. Here is an excerpt from an article that recently came out in Germany: "What symptoms did you experience after the corona vaccination, Mr. Riehle? My vaccinations were in the summer of 2021 and spring of 2022. I had the usual reactions such as initial fever, a general feeling of illness, pain at the injection site and fatigue. However, the second day began severe pain in the muscles and tendons. My joints were getting stiffer every day, I had paralysis, skin discomfort, burning nerve attractions, circulatory problems and I felt extremely exhausted. Studies then proved triple elevated liver values, sharply increased fasting sugar - I am diabetic, the value was still completely targeted before vaccination. I also suffered from autoimmune gastritis."

Mario (Anonymous, 176.221.120.) 19 months ago

Do not vaccinate

Olka (Anonymous, 185.21.150.) 19 months ago

Dorota, I think I have the same :( Fascia as if totally glued to the muscle, stiff, hurts, burns, tingles. Physiotherapy sometimes helps me, but literally for a moment, because everything comes back... In May it will be 2 years since it began.

Dorota (Anonymous, 195.189.89.) 19 months ago

Part of OL, this diagnosis gave me a very good physiotherapist, and I agree with her these tingling and stiffness confirm her diagnosis said that she has many people with this problem after vaccination, she tried to perform dry needling to release the bond, and thus nieodrzywione muscles said that helps. Well, unfortunately, my pain intensified.

Olka (Anonymous, 185.21.150.) 19 months ago

Hi Dorota, can you tell us more? Has someone given you such a diagnosis? I also have a problem with the fascia, it hurts, it tenses, it is impossible to control it physiotherapy. Buttocks and legs area

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