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d. (Anonymous, 46.22.7.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Why is it that after CeraVe my skin looks bad?

Hello. Recently, I have temporarily ed my dermatological treatment. I used Avene so far because I had to strongly moisturize the complexion during treatment. Now I use cerave but I noticed that such small slices pop out, the face is slightly red, as the ointment applies face slightly swedzi and at the end of the day slightly bakes and is slightly pulled. These are not very persistent ailments, but it still does not look good. Why is this happening? Maybe you know some cream suitable for tlusy/mixed sensitive and acne complexion.

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

At the same time, it is difficult to determine why the skin reacts badly to the use of CeraVe face and body moisturizing emulsion in a given case. Each skin has its own individual inclinations and needs and different ingredients of cosmetics can cause its irritation. In addition, in my opinion, this emulsion may be too "heavy" for oily / combination and acne-prone skin - it is more a cosmetic to use as a body lotion for very dry skin. To sum up, if this cosmetic does not serve you, unfortunately you will have to give it up. In pharmacies there is a wide selection of moisturizing creams typically designed for face, oily / combination, sensitive and acne-prone skin, e.g. https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/26238/la-roche-posay-effaclar-krem-matujacy-krem/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/69734/bioderma-sebium-hydra-krem-nawilzajacy-do-skory-tradzikowej-krem/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/38674/iwostin-purritin-rehydrin-krem-przywracajacy-nawilzenie-krem/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/104702/dermedic-normacne-ultranawilzajacy-krem-wspierajacy-farmakoterapie-krem/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/96172/bioderma-sebium-sensitive-krem-lagodzacy-do-skory-tradzikowej-krem/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/100779/avene-cleanance-hydra-krem-lagodzacy-krem/apteki On the attached pages you can compare the prices of creams in online pharmacies and place an order with home delivery or collection at the pharmacy.

aaaa (Anonymous, 77.45.48.) 2 years ago

CeraVe uses niacinamide (vitamin B3) in creams. Niacinamide, despite theoretically all these super properties for the skin, after an overdose causes redness, burning and various types of rashes. Read on the Internet about the side effects of this ingredient. Apparently you have enough of it from the diet or other preparations and adding it from CeraVe cream directly to the skin already causes too high a concentration.

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

Jeśli preparat Cerave nie służy Pani, to najprawdopodobniej niestety trzeba będzie z niego zrezygnować. Trudno jednocześnie określić, dlaczego tak się dzieje, ponieważ każda skóra ma swoje indywidualne skłonności i potrzeby.

Teoretycznie ten kosmetyk powinien spełniać wszystkie Pani oczekiwania, ponieważ nawilża, regeneruje skórę i wzmacnia jej barierę ochronną, nadaje się pod makijaż, a jednocześnie jest bezzapachowy i hipoalergiczny.

Przykłady kosmetyków, jakie mogą być pomocne dla skóry podrażnionej po kuracji dermatologicznej można znaleźć w poniższym wątku:


W przypadku trudności z samodzielnym dobraniem preparatu może być wskazana konsultacja z dermatologiem lub kosmetologiem.

d. (Anonymous, 46.22.0.) 3 years ago

Dodam ze tradzik mi powrocil po zastosowaniu tego kremu przez kilka dni!!! koszmar!!

d. (Anonymous, 46.22.7.) 3 years ago

Najlepiej zeby ten krem mogl sie tez nadawac pod podklad

d. (Anonymous, 46.22.7.) 3 years ago

zapomnialam dodac- jest to emulsja nawilżająca

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