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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Zofia (Anonymous, 139.28.41.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Will the vaccine be effective if I refrigerated it in an insulating bag?

Could storing Gardasil 9 in a heat-insulating bag in a refrigerator affect its effectiveness? Unfortunately, when I got home, I didn't pull the vaccine out of the heat-insulating bag and put the vaccine in the fridge bag. In the refrigerator stood 2 weeks, while the transport of the vaccine to the house in the bag lasted about half an hour. Logically, the bag could not hold a higher temperature than the ambient temperature for 2 weeks, i.e. 2 degrees (2 degrees in the refrigerator), so the vaccine should be at 2 °C at that time. Can the effectiveness of the vaccine be reduced by not pulling it out of the bag? Best regards

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Aleksandra Mroczkowska Pharmacist

3 years ago

Szczepionkę należy przechowywać w temperaturze 2-8 st. C. Jeżeli była przechowywana w lodówce (nawet w torbie izolacyjnej), gdzie temperatura nie przekracza 8 stopni, to jej jakość i skuteczność z pewnością będzie zachowana.

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