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kowalski (Anonymous, 195.150.186.) Białystok 5 years ago

Why drops of Rhinazin are not in pharmacies?

What happens to Rhinazin, why it is not in pharmacies

13 answers, 2 subscribers

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

14 months ago

We received information from the manufacturer that Rhinazin has been withdrawn from the offer and will no longer be available in pharmacies. You can only buy it while stocks last. Currently, Betadrin WZF drops are still available in pharmacies, which also contain naphazolin (the active ingredient of Rhinazin drops) and will work well in the case of inflammation of the nasal mucosa and rhinitis that occur during colds or allergies: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/10424/betadrin-wzf-krople-do-nosa/apteki

reGGarf (Anonymous, 91.217.198.) 9 months ago

Currently, you can order in the Czech Republic (send for funny money, I gave 10zł, page to find on google) drops "Sanorin" Xantis Pharma.

The active substance is the same (Naphazolini Nitras), it works (I confirm, because I have already desperately tested all possible substitutes in PL).

Price about 18 zł for 10 ml - a little more than Polish equivalent. They have a slightly less pleasant 'smell' than Rhinazin, but this is probably the least of the problems for "fans" of the drug. However, the bottle of Sanorin has a much better dispenser.

The most important thing is that today 'nosni kapky' save my nose and finally I breathe again. Recommend!

Ewka (Anonymous, 89.64.55.) 10 months ago

It's not even funny anymore. First they withdrew Sulfarinol, now they went for Rhinazin. Someone must care very much that we finish our noses with xylemethetazolin.

Alergik (Anonymous, 88.130.146.) 14 months ago

There are drops with naphazolin available in Germany, the product is called Rhinex, or available in the Czech Republic under the name Sanorin. To order after logging in to pharmacies abroad.

Wioletta (Anonymous, 89.171.59.) 14 months ago

Thank you very much for the information, although I admit that the manufacturer's answer sounds like a grim joke. I do not really know how allergy sufferers have to cope because from what I see it is already with Betadrin begins to be a problem. But what does the manufacturer care... So far, I don't think anything better than naphazoline has been invented, unless I'm not up to date.

prof. Ernest Ereciński (Anonymous, 94.78.151.) 14 months ago

Also looking for RHINAZIN drops, it is pollen season, and they are nowhere to be found. The doctor spreads her hands and says that I can use Xylometazoline, but it is addictive and she, although she realizes it, has no better answer. For allergies, of course, I use steroids (Pronasal), tablets, but this does not do the trick. During this period (spring-summer) decongestant drops are necessary, Thymazen was ideal, but WZF Polfa withdrew them, now Rhinazin were not bad (although worse), but... there are none in Poland either. Seriously, manufacturers force the use of xylometazoline, which is many times worse, because there are none, because they do not produce?! It's hard to ask anything sensible in this situation, but I ask - please - when will they be?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

14 months ago

To @Wioletta: I will contact the manufacturer about this. When I receive a reply, I will post it in this thread and on the product page: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/67318/rhinazin-krople-do-nosa/apteki#news

Wioletta (Anonymous, 89.171.59.) 14 months ago

Good morning Again , just like a few years ago the lack of Rhinazin drops in pharmacies. Is there any chance for deliveries in the near future?

Karolina Zygmunt Pharmacist

4 years ago

Rozumiem Pani niezadowolenie i przykro mi, iż nie jest Pani w stanie otrzymać leku, który Pani pomagał. Obszerniejszej odpowedzi udzieliłam w poniższym wątku:

EVA 32 (Anonymous, 93.105.60.) 4 years ago

Podobnie jak Sulfarinol, Rhinazinu brak.....Podobnie też, nie ma zamienników.....Cuda- wianki....Brak słów.....Już minął rok od ostatniego wpisu, a kropli brak.....

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

5 years ago

Dzień dobry,

producent leku Rhinazin firma Polfa Warszawa poinformował nas, iż z uwagi na brak substancji niezbędnej do produkcji preparatu Rhinazin i inne problemy związane z jego produkcją, preparat na pewno nie będzie produkowany przez najbliższe pół roku lub dłużej.

Preparat nie posiada zamiennika, należy zatem udać się do lekarza w celu zmiany sposobu leczenia.

Przesyłam link do artykułów, które mogą okazać się pomocne:



Karolina Zygmunt Pharmacist

5 years ago

Dzień dobry,

Zapytania o Rhinazin pojawiły się już na naszym forum, polecam prześledzić wcześniejsze wątki:



Gdy tylko dowiemy się czegoś na temat przyczyn braku tego leku oraz ewentualnego powrotu na rynek, zamieścimy informację na tym forum.

Polecam ciekawy artykuł pod tytułem "Dlaczego leki znikają z polskich aptek?"

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