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angelika (Anonymous, 185.54.101.) Kraków 5 years ago

Where can I buy Purethal?

Where can I buy PURETHAL D.pteronyssinus+D.farinae outside Polish

13 answers, 7 subscribers

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Andrzej (Anonymous, 194.15.121.) 5 months ago

Allergovit Mugwort is available: a starting dose and a continuation dose

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

To @Andre :

At the moment, the delivery of Purethal mugwort is unknown. Most likely, it will be a longer lack.

A replacement is available called Diater mugwort initial treatment, next week the vaccine Diater mugwort maintenance therapy will be available:


Andre (Anonymous, 188.146.254.) 12 months ago

I have a problem buying the vaccine Purethal mugwort, will it be available at all and where?

Iwona Łępicka (Anonymous, 193.105.251.) 16 months ago

Is it known when and where Purethal 20000 will be available?

Maria (Anonymous, 5.173.200.) 18 months ago

Looking for the drug Purethal grass 20000 for son where can I buy?

Pacjent (Anonymous, 188.47.116.) 1 year ago

Hi, I would like to ask when will be the supply of the drug PURETHAL GRASS INJ. 1op. po1 viol. 3ml

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

At the moment, the drug is not available in the Centrofarm wholesaler (the entity responsible for distributing the drug). The date of the next delivery is also unknown. If there is new information about the supply of the drug, it will be posted here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/65424/purethal-brzoza-pojedyncze-alergoidy-pylkow-roslin-iniekcja/apteki#news

Dariusz  (Anonymous, 78.10.92.) 2 years ago

When will birch purethal be available

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Onas: Today, from the sales office of the Centrofarm wholesaler, we received information that a small amount of Purtehal Drzewa vaccines was distributed some time ago to pharmacies in Poland, but it is still not known when you can expect larger deliveries of the preparation. Below you can check which pharmacies have Purethal residents in stock - you can call the selected pharmacy to find out if they also have Purethal Trees: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/65429/purethal-mieszanki-trawy-drzewa-trawy-drzewa-trawy-brzoza-iniekcja/apteki

Onas (Anonymous, 46.134.144.) 2 years ago

Good morning I ask you to check the drug purethal tree if it is in stock. Best regards

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Annjun: I have just contacted the procurement department of the wholesaler responsible for distributing the Purethal vaccine. The Purethal vaccine is still unavailable and it is not known when the new supply of the drug will reach Polish. There are currently no plans to supply this product. If you want to receive an e-mail about the availability of the drug, you can subscribe to notifications (in the link below, under the list of pharmacies, "RECENT NEWS ABOUT", tick "Notify of new information): https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/65429/purethal-mieszanki-trawy-drzewa-trawy-drzewa-trawy-brzoza-iniekcja/apteki

Annjun (Anonymous, 85.193.242.) 2 years ago

Where to buy purethal allergy mixture. TREE!!!

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

5 years ago

Dzień dobry,

za pośrednictwem naszego portalu może Pani sprawdzić dostępność i cenę leków w aptekach w Polsce.
Przesyłam link z dostępnością leku w Polsce:


Prowadzimy także równoległą stronę niemiecką, jednak na ten moment żadna ze współpracujących z nami aptek nie wykazuje dostępności szczepionki Purethal:


Szczepionki to produkty dosyć specyficzne, wymagają specjalnego procesu transportu i przechowywania. Apteki zamawiają je zazwyczaj z hurtowni dla konkretnego pacjenta, gdy pojawi się recepta. Dlatego jeśli posiada Pani receptę, najlepiej zadzwonić lub udać się do konkretnej apteki w celu zamówienia leku.

Więcej na temat szczepionek w naszym artykule: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/tematy/szczepionki


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