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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Balbina (Anonymous, 5.173.98.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Why is ovulation mucus present when using contraception?

Good morning. I've been using Evvra for a month now. I am currently in week 4 - that is, the one without the patch (pulled 2 days ago, but bleeding has not yet occurred). Is additional contraception indicated during the week without the patch or am I still protected against pregnancy? The second question concerns ovulation, according to information from the gynecologist does not occur when using patches of mucus typically ovulation, resembling chicken egg protein, in me such occurred, about the time when theoretically ovulation should occur. Is this normal and is the body just getting used to contraception or something could have been wrong? None of the patches peeled off, the first was glued on the 1st day of menstruation.

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Nie, podczas 7-dniowej przerwy nie musi się Pani dodatkowo zabezpieczać - ochrona jest zachowana.

Śluz jest normalnym zjawiskiem podczas stosowania antykoncepcji i jego obecność nie świadczy o przyzwyczajaniu się organizmu do podawanych mu hormonów. Jest to metoda nawilżania się i oczyszczania pochwy, zatem aby działać prawidłowo - pochwa musi go produkować.

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