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Iza (Anonymous, 83.26.168.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Can a pregnancy test performed on the 20th day after intercourse be considered correct?

Good morning If on day 20 after intercourse I did a pharmacy pregnancy test can be considered reliable ?

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

24 days ago

To @milena:

If these were ultra-sensitive tests, then yes, you can rule out pregnancy.

milena (Anonymous, 83.5.242.) 24 days ago

If I did 2 tests (8 and 12 days after intercourse), can I already rule out pregnancy? Or make another one?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

8 months ago

To @Majaaa:

Yes, you can rule out pregnancy.

Majaaa (Anonymous, 195.117.24.) 8 months ago

Good morning. I took a beta blood test, 12 days after intercourse it came out 0.2 mlu, 18 days later I took a pharmacy pregnancy test, it came out negative and on the 20th day to be sure, I took the pharmacy test again, it came out negative, can I be sure of the result?

Czarna (Anonymous, 46.134.74.) 16 months ago

Hi I have the same question .. The test is done 10, 14 and 20 days after intercourse. All negative. There is not even a trace of the second line. Should I already consider myself reliable? My fears started with the fact that this month my menstrual bleeding was different than ever. It started with spotting for one day, then there was a stronger bleeding with clots for 2 days. After the period, pain in the lower abdomen and ovaries began. And so for a few days. I already have an appointment with a gynecologist on Wednesday

Marta Janocha Pharmacist

3 years ago

"Zaleca się wykonanie testu ciążowego w pierwszym dniu spodziewanej miesiączki. W aptekach dostępne są jednak testy ciążowe o różnej czułości. Czułość testu oznacza, jakie najniższe stężenie hCG jest w stanie wykryć. Testy o czułości 10 mlU/ml, tzw. ultraczułe, wykrywają już dwu-trzydniową ciążę (np. Pink Test super czuły). Dostępne są także testy o czułości 25 mlU/ml (np. Clearblue Test Ciążowy, Pre-Test), które należy wykonać nie wcześniej niż 7-10 dni od stosunku".

Reasumując, w 20. dzień po stosunku, wynik testu będzie wiarygodny. Zalecam jednak wizytę u ginekologa, jeżeli ma Pani jakieś wątpliwości.

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