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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Maja (Anonymous, 86.5.113.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Is it true that you can get pancreatic cancer from Saxenda? Where can I consult a doctor about this medicine?

Hi is it true that you can get pancreatic cancer from the drug saxenda? Where can I consult a doctor regarding this medicine

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islandnut (Anonymous, 185.152.121.) 2 years ago

It would be good to inform in full. There is such a warning on the American leaflet and even if it claims that in humans it has not been found, but only in mice and rats, it is still there, it is not on the European one. Given the 2021 study, I think there will soon be a thyroid cancer study as well. I assume that of course on the American and not on the European. Either way, the drug is officially approved by the FDA even for the treatment of severe adolescent obesity. The leaflet, of course, warns that it is important to do a good interview before prescribing this drug, especially when it comes to the occurrence of cancer in the family because this is the first reason not to prescribe it. Of course, this is the case in the American leaflet, not the Polish one. This is primarily due to the American specificity, so that later no one of the company went bankrupt as if he fell ill with this cancer. In general, pancreatitis during the study is only 0.3% of the group given the drug and cystitis is 1.5%. 0.2% of patients made a suicide attempt and this is probably not in the Polish leaflet, but on this basis it cannot be said that everyone will behave like this. Where is the biggest problem in the Polish leaflet is that on the one hand it is clearly written that it has no effect on driving. On the other hand, one of the effects may be hypoglycemia, i.e. a sudden drop in glucose. In the case of such an effect, we will not be able to notify anyone about the NOP and there will be pictures on TV that someone caused a disaster in land traffic on the highway.

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Konsultację z lekarzem odnośnie leku Saxenda może odbyć, np. Pani w swojej przychodni rodzinnej lub po prostu telefonicznie:

Producent leku Saxenda nie podaje, aby wśród działań niepożądanych leku odnotowano raka trzustki.U pacjentów leczonych produktem Saxenda niezbyt często zgłaszane były stany zapalne trzustki (zapalenie trzustki). Zapalenie trzustki może mieć poważny przebieg, potencjalnie zagrażający życiu.

Załączam opracowanie, które może okazać się pomocne: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-bac-sie-dzialan-niepozadanych-lekow

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