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Monika  (Anonymous, 5.173.32.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Is the order in which Axia tablets are taken relevant?

For more than half a year I have been using axia conti contraceptive pills in which there were 28 tablets. Recently, however, I have been prescribed axia tablets, and in the package there are not 28 and 21 tablets. Unfortunately, I took the tablet on Sundays, and on the back of the blister this tablet was signed Monday. Unfortunately, I could not call the gynecologist, so I started taking one tablet in a row every day. Reading the leaflet, it seems that each of the tablets is the same, unless something has escaped me. So my question is, what do you do in this situation? Did I make a huge mistake? But did nothing happen because I did not miss a tablet, and the mistake is only one day? Please help and thank you in advance :)

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Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Nie musi Pani nic robić, gdyż wszystkie tabletki leku Axia mają taki sam skład. Nie ma zatem znaczenia, którą pigułkę Pani przyjmie danego dnia. Najważniejsze, aby przyjmować je codziennie o tej samej porze.

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