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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Jakub (Anonymous, 46.134.175.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Do I need to take all the tablets of Ramoclav? What should I do if I have symptoms of tongue irritation?

Hello. A week ago I had a problem with my tooth. After a few days, my gum sedunced and my throat began to hurt, specifically almond. The doctor linked this to the other that the inflammation had spread and prescribed the antibiotic Ramoclav. Everything is great but after 5 days or the day before yesterday began to hurt my tongue. I feel like he was burnt irritated and i didn't burn for sure. There are such small tongues on the sides that hurt the whole in general and the sides of the mouth are also irritated. I took 14 tablets of this antibiotic the doctor prescribed 21 or do I have to choose them all, should I take them? I ask here because it is Friday evening and on the weekend I will not get to the doctor. As for the tooth and almond is better ie the tooth does not hurt and almonds do not feel. Thank you in advance and greet.

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

Kurację antybiotykową należy przeprowadzić do końca, nawet jeżeli objawy ustąpiły. Zapobiega to nawrotowi choroby oraz wytworzeniu oporności na antybiotyk przez bakterie.

Częstym działaniem niepożądanym antybiotyków (np. leku Ramoclav) jest wystąpienie grzybicy jamy ustnej i języka:

Objawami grzybicy języka jest np. biały nalot, nadżerki na języku, zaczerwienieni czy bolesność.

Do czasu konsultacji lekarskiej zachęcam do zwiększenia ilości stosowanego probiotyku. Lekarz po konsultacji, zaleci Panu dalsze postępowanie.

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