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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Zosia (Anonymous, 37.247.210.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Is Dutilox a replacement for Duloxetine Sandoz?

Good morning! I have the drug Duloxetine Sandoz at home, because it is more easily divisible at the beginning of taking, I also have Dutilox. When I finish Duloxetine Santoz and get to a dose of 60 mg can I then take Dutilox? So overnight? It's a pity to throw them away, and so you can use them. Can there be any side effects of this replacement? The doctor said that you can change, but I still prefer to make sure that I heard well. Thanks in advance for your reply.

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

Duloxetine Sandoz oraz Dutilox są swoimi odpowiednikami, pod warunkiem zastosowania ich w tej samej dawce.

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