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Ania (Anonymous, 194.39.218.) Łódź 3 years ago

Can Welbox, Symfaxin ER and Trittico CR be used at the same time?

Good morning, is it possible to use Welbox with Symfaxin 150mg and Trittico XR 150 mg? Thank you in advance.

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Aleksandra Żywiec-Pelczar Pharmacist

1 year ago

Indeed, there was a slip of the tongue. It was bupropion.

Mgd3 (Anonymous, 46.187.197.) 1 year ago

Welbox is bupropion, not bupiron. Best regards.

Aleksandra Żywiec-Pelczar Pharmacist

3 years ago

The simultaneous use of bupropion (Welbox), trazodone (Trittico) and venlafaxine (Symfaxin ER) is not contraindicated. However, during the simultaneous use of these drugs, special care should be taken and remain under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Under no circumstances should you take these medications at the same time without clear medical recommendations. If several specialists have recommended medication, you should inform each of them about the other medicines you are taking. Because all these medicines increase the concentration of serotonin in the central nervous system, their concomitant use may increase the risk of a rare but serious condition called serotonin syndrome, which may include symptoms such as confusion, hallucinations, seizures, extreme changes in blood pressure, increased heart rate, fever, excessive sweating, chills or tremors, blurred vision, muscle spasm or stiffness, tremor, lack of coordination, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In extreme cases, this condition can lead to coma or death. During the use of these drugs, special attention should be paid to the symptoms mentioned above. If they occur, contact your doctor immediately. We wrote more about whether the use of several drugs at the same time can be dangerous in the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/czy-przyjmowanie-kilku-lekow-jednoczesnie-jest-bezpieczne https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/depresja

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