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... (Anonymous, 79.185.161.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Is Mirena's assumption very painful?

Is it very painful to assume mirena?

35 answers

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Lena0805 (Anonymous, 178.235.34.) 34 days ago

I had the mirene insole on today
I entered the premenopausal period and I haven't had a period for 3 months. I didn't get any anesthesia, and I guess I didn't ask about it because it hurt like hell.... After putting it on, I felt dizzy, I don't know if it was from the side or from these emotions. After 5 hours from the procedure, the abdomen hurts like during menstruation, spotting I think is normal and we will see how it will be in the following days. I think that's why it's recommended to put the system on the day of menstruation, because the cervix is swollen and that's why maybe it doesn't hurt so much...

Karola  (Anonymous, 109.199.93.) 35 days ago

I practically felt nothing, only mental discomfort.

Oliwia (Anonymous, 188.33.242.) 43 days ago

Every woman certainly reacts and feels pain differently, but I felt a lot of pain during the application, after getting off the chair I automatically felt weak and fainted. The doctor measured my blood pressure, which was tragically low, and I had to be carried to the car. The contractions were so huge that I cried out of pain, only after strong medication after 2 hours the pain decreased. I have the IUD itself too short to assess its effect, but I warn against this procedure without the use of anesthesia. I emphasize that these are just my feelings.

Monia (Anonymous, 31.183.131.) 51 days ago

My doctor ordered the midwife to administer myocular ketonal and papaverine (a diastolic drug) 20 minutes before the procedure and listen, I didn't feel anything. What's more, I had the whole day calm, the first without any pain. I even forgot at times that I had a surgery

Asia  (Anonymous, 188.33.196.) 2 months ago

Today I'm wearing mirene for the second time. Slight pain ,to survive . I recommend it to every woman, for me remembering to take pills every day is out of the question ;)

Pacjetka (Anonymous, 45.159.237.) 5 months ago

I was in pain even though the doctor gave me ketonal before the procedure. The first day after putting it on was even ok, it was only in the evening that the pain started to appear. I don't think I'm immune. Belly bloated, uterine discomfort, ovarian squatting, woogle, feeling like I have a foreign body, weird it. I'm 3 days after the surgery and the pains are still there, sometimes weaker, I hope it was a good decision, because so far I'm kind of scared.

Klaudia (Anonymous, 104.28.40.) 5 months ago

I had my mirene on 3 days ago. I've never felt such pain in my life, half an hour after the surgery I wanted to go to the emergency room to have it pulled out for me, I cried and fainted alternately from the pain. Today is the 3rd day since the application and I still have cramps from time to time and my back hurts. No one made me aware before assuming that it hurt so much, I had it put on during my period.

Ewelina (Anonymous, 77.222.236.) 8 months ago

I had Mirena inserted yesterday due to endometriosis and two surgeries I had before, and with it very heavy menstruation. I must admit that I was in a lot of pain, it was like during childbirth, luckily it lasted a few minutes because I couldn't stand it any longer. I hope that nothing will happen to this insert and that I will not have to suffer again.

Magda  (Anonymous, 88.156.132.) 11 months ago

I assumed because of painful and abundant periods. It hurt like a f**k! Never. I have never experienced such pain. I fainted. Today is a total of 3 days. There are cramps. I hope they will subside soon. He doesn't want to regret his decision.

Ewelina (Anonymous, 192.109.132.) 13 months ago

I think you need to find a doctor who has a lot of experience and will assume when it is the best time in the cycle. And then this procedure will not be painful. For me it lasted maybe a minute and I will add that the doctor offered me the 3rd day of menstruation but I had to assume two days before the period so I was afraid of a lot of pain. The doctor checked and said that it should work. A minute, maybe two, it lasted all. The discomfort was. No pleasure, but it didn't hurt.

Gość  (Anonymous, 192.109.132.) 13 months ago

The treatment was not very pleasant, but it was rather discomfort than pain. It lasted a very short time. Relax, even very sensitive people can endure. I felt weak getting up but not because of discomfort but because I read terrible reports on the Internet and I was so afraid that when it was all over, I almost rolled the eagle out of the chair. Strong contractions appeared about 15 minutes after application. It would be painful. I was afraid that I would not be able to go home on my own. After half an hour it passed. I felt very good all day. The next morning I had cramps again, not so strong. I took a nose. I stain from the assumption. The doctor warned that it may be because it is quite common. It should pass after the first cycle. I'm waiting :)

Inez (Anonymous, 83.10.117.) 15 months ago

Yesterday I had a hormonal on. I have a back bend. I didn't know that with him there might be difficulties with putting on. Terrible pain without anesthesia. In the end, I finally managed to put it on, but there is a small trauma. I advise other girls before the procedure to swallow something for anesthesia. I had no such knowledge, unfortunately. It wasn't easy.

Agnieszka (Anonymous, 5.173.151.) 15 months ago

I had it assumed yesterday, the first day of menstruation hurt one minute, I expected a massacre and slaughter and it was quite ok

Paula  (Anonymous, 195.206.116.) 16 months ago

I have no idea what it depends on. Today I put on the second spiral. The first one was painless, so that without any stress I could put on the second one and here the shock, I feel like just after a natural birth, it hurt like hell, it's not surprising that some women faint. I am a person quite resistant to pain so I managed calmly, if not for the fact that you do not have to think about anything for 5 years, I probably would not have started another one

Ania (Anonymous, 188.147.108.) 16 months ago

It is not painful, rather unpleasant and for a skilled doctor it is 2 minutes and after the case.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

16 months ago

For @Ata1: You can use ibuprofen 400 mg or diclofenac 25 mg two hours before inserting the IUD. It is worth consulting the doctor performing the procedure in advance. Examples of drugs with these ingredients: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/37115/ibuprom-max-sprint-kapsulki/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/83796/voltaren-express-forte-kapsulki/apteki

Ata1 (Anonymous, 31.178.253.) 16 months ago

What set of painkillers to apply to the establishment of the spiral? The previous one I had with general anesthesia, but now I have to live ... I will add that any gynecological examination or cytology is a terribly unpleasant thing for me, so I definitely have to take some strong analgesics for this procedure.

Nana (Anonymous, 82.168.234.) 16 months ago

I assumed Mirene today. The pain was terrible. I fainted. And best of all, at the first attempt, the gynecologist put it too low. So once again I had to go through it all. I assumed at 4 p.m. it's 8 p.m. and I still feel terrible pain until it makes me vomit. When I move, it hurts even more. I regret my decision so far. I wonder how it will be in some time. because I had an indication of the establishment of mirena for hemorrhages during menstruation

Dżasta (Anonymous, 213.109.34.) 17 months ago

I assumed 2 weeks ago. The procedure for me a little not pleasant, but bearable. Despite the back of the uterus, it was not a terrible pain. I only felt a little belly in the lower part. Before the visit I took an ibuprom sprint and maybe it made me feel better after putting on the insole. There is nothing to be afraid of.

Monika  (Anonymous, 92.40.192.) 18 months ago

I was yesterday to put on an insert , the first time. I was focused on discomfort such as when taking cytology - opinions of friends. I live in the UK, the insert was put on me in the clinic by a specialized person. The pain is terrible! I had 3 attempts to put on, after the second trial I got an injection with anesthesia, a terrible experience. The insert could not be attached.

Kasia (Anonymous, 5.173.72.) 1 year ago

Hi the insert was assumed a month ago. I have a very large uterine flexion but I did not feel any pain either during the insertion or later.

Magda (Anonymous, 90.143.160.) 1 year ago

Just today I took out mirene. Nothing hurt (and I was terribly afraid because I read too much) And one time I put on the next, putting on was a 3 second pain but to endure I would say more with a pinch. Also girls breathe deeply and not be afraid.

Beti (Anonymous, 194.169.226.) 2 years ago

I'm wondering whether to put on the insert. The doctor praises me, under general anesthesia, because I have endometriosis, I am after two operations and I am after a cesarean. Please write if you get fat after it, whether you feel any discomfort, whether it hurts after the procedure, how much you recover from it.

Paulinka (Anonymous, 77.166.149.) 2 years ago

It hurt terribly. I haven't felt such severe pain for a long time. On the same day at work, I fainted because I had such strong cramps. When I went to the doctor later, he gave me Tramadol. I hope that the operation of this spiral regarding the painful period will be good and that I will not regret this pain.

Elizabet (Anonymous, 5.184.88.) 2 years ago

It is quite an uncomfortable feeling, but not painful. I have 3 inserts and I can not imagine going back to tabketek . My months lasted a long time and were very abundant. Now I know he's alive.

Miczka (Anonymous, 77.114.226.) 2 years ago

The IUD is inserted during menstruation and then you do not need to spread the cervix, which can be dangerous

izzzz (Anonymous, 31.61.254.) 2 years ago

I assumed 2 weeks. This - the procedure is practically painless, very quickly efficiently performed by a doctor. Now the period has appeared - very abundant, and for this reason I put on the insole ... I'll wait and see, I hope it works because otherwise it is impossible to function normally. I had hemorrhages.

Kasia (Anonymous, 89.64.77.) 2 years ago

Miałam Mirenę prawie 7 lat, zakładanie dosyć bolało, ale nie długo. Leki przeciwbólowe zażyte przed badaniem trochę pomogły. Wyjmowanie nic nie bolało. Za tydzień zakładam następną. Dla mnie ta metoda najlepsza . Polecam

Edyta (Anonymous, 31.61.183.) 2 years ago

Nie jest to przyjemny zabieg. Dodam, że rodziłam przez cesarskie cięcie i mam tzw.tyłozgięcie macicy. Może to wpłynęło na ból przy aplikacji. Trwa to około 10 minut. Najpierw zakłada się wziernik jak przy pobraniu cytologii, dezynfekuje a potem najgorsza część czyli stopniowe rozszerzanie szyjki macicy. Boli! Potem aplikacja spirali. Ledwo zeszłam z fotela. Dochodziłam do siebie około 45 minut. Ketonal, paracetamol i Pyraligina - taką końską dawkę dostałam. Myślę, że powinno się podać jakieś miejscowe znieczulenie. Już się zastanawiam czy wyjęcie tej spirali boli tak samo.

Aga (Anonymous, 188.146.102.) 3 years ago

Założenie bolało strasznie ale ja mam tyłozgięcie i to ponoć przez to. Szczerze byłam nastawiona na ból ale to przeszło moje oczekiwania - zakręciło mi się w głowie, było niedobrze, gorąco i miałam mroczki przed oczyma, jadąc do domu miałam ochotę rozjechać każdego faceta po drodze.

Ardenss (Anonymous, 46.134.72.) 3 years ago

Mnie nie bolało założenie wkladki.

ewa (Anonymous, 77.46.44.) 3 years ago

mnie akurat bolało, wcześniej wzięłam ketonal, ale i tak lekarka musiała mnie dodatkowo znieczulać bo nie dała rady założyć

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Dziękujemy za tę informację.

Justyna  (Anonymous, 46.134.115.) 3 years ago

W czwartek miałam założoną,nie duży dyskomfort raczej słaby ból

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Pytanie należy Pani skierować do ginekologa, który zna dokładny przebieg procesu i reakcję pacjentek. Farmaceuta nie uczestniczy w zakładaniu wkładki, więc nie ma możliwości oceny, czy zakładanie boli.
Niestety, na naszym forum pacjentki nie wypowiadały się dotychczas w tym temacie: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/tematy/mirena/opinie-i-pytania

User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
