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Stan (Anonymous, 195.136.136.) Skawina 3 years ago

What drug in the pharmacy is most effective for erection?

What is the most effective drug for improving erection available in a pharmacy without a prescription

24 answers, 1 subscriber
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nedom (Anonymous, 185.108.107.) 6 months ago

To begin with, see yourself penis complete. You take a pill every day and zero stress. It's just like viagra, except it doesn't have any chemical ingredients. Only herbal. Good combination, the penis stands You can even do it several times.
In the long run, however, I suggest you find out what your erectile dysfunction comes from. If it's stressful, work out some relaxation techniques. Often, people get stressed at work and then such problems arise.

jonter (Anonymous, 185.97.16.) 6 months ago

Okay, but how does this penis complete work? You take a pill like viagra and you don't have a problem anymore> Do you have to take it for a while? I'd buy it but I'll take it and maybe it won't work? To fool around like that in front of a cane.

nedom (Anonymous, 205.185.193.) 6 months ago

I've used several remedies myself. But Viagra is expensive and there are some problems with ordering. Permen is also ok. The best was the Viamen you write about. It may not be the cheapest, but if you order it in a package, it's not that expensive and it's at least effective. A person takes a tabsa and doesn't have to stress that he won't podola. The baton stands for several hours.

okar (Anonymous, 178.175.140.) 6 months ago

Maybe it's just temporary. I'll tell you that I used to have problems myself, now it also happens when a person is just stressed or after alcohol. You can help yourself with something anyway. I've had to deal with Viamen a few times. Good pills, they only work to my eye, a bit too expensive.

pener (Anonymous, 185.97.16.) 6 months ago

Where can you buy them? Do you order online at the pharmacy? Have you used it yourself?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

6 months ago

Viagra Connect Max is available in pharmacies without a prescription: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/116064/viagra-connect-max-tabletki-powlekane/apteki

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trzeci (Anonymous, 193.19.207.) 6 months ago

Viagra as far as I know is prescription only. You can get some replacements online, but they are mostly sold by unknown sellers on allegro, so I wouldn't buy them.
Viamen tablets are still well studied. Admittedly, it is not the cheapest remedy, but they work and are safe.

gmps (Anonymous, 185.174.159.) 6 months ago

You can also buy viagra without a prescription

pener (Anonymous, 185.97.16.) 6 months ago

Are there any other measures that might work? I'm not writing here about some cheap crap from allegro because it doesn't work, but about proven means. Except without a prescription.
I have some problems, I don't want to go to the doctor for now and as far as I know viagra is only on prescription. Do you have any good info?

mikar (Anonymous, 69.16.147.) 13 months ago

Long men is okey. I will not say, but on me it probably works better on or penis complete I take interchangeably. First of all, it works so that it increases the desire for sex, excitement, and consequently the erection is greater. For me, the problem may not be the same erection problems, what just poor bed temperature, /

trzer (Anonymous, 176.67.86.) 13 months ago

Orgasm Control is very decent and not only as you write here on the delay of erection as well as the erection itself. However, other measures that I suggest to take into account are on, man power no and penis complete.

wete (Anonymous, 176.67.86.) 13 months ago

In my case, Orgasm control turned out to be good. Apparently it is for premature ejaculation but I noticed that since I take pills I also have no problems with the lack of erectia (and something like this, unfortunately, I also had and I'm not much older than you .....). Tablets are generally really good, they are not expensive You can buy yourself in many places on the web (although I would suggest these larger sprawdone stores). I also see that boy,that you pay attention to the composition and very well. In this case, there is nothing to stress because I looked at it that tabs were safe and these are.

aaams (Anonymous, 80.246.28.) 13 months ago

You can write what specific erection pills your doctor assigned you? Because there are many. And while sildenafil and viagra are agents assigned only in situations when nothing helps. For example, L arginine remedies are dangerous, do not cause side effects and are taken by many men in such situations. They are not addictive and sometimes manage to restore an erection for a long time.

drowski (Anonymous, 89.40.147.) 15 months ago

on. It is by far the best of all the measures I have taken. He saved our marriage. Generally, a little sad jst that I have to use tabletkamik but for the higher good in the end I decided. Well,that it is not rpzyat least sildenafil or something like that because at least not bendzie side effects.

remski (Anonymous, 37.225.67.) 15 months ago

Well, that's how it works. I also when I drink it is not able to have sex. Even if I got high with pills from top to bottom. Of those that I tested, i.e. those with arginine, he is actually the best. The fastest dick and erection is the longest.

maczewski (Anonymous, 128.204.218.) 15 months ago

on is ok. I do not recommend only combining on with more alcohol because the tablets can lose momc. One beer or a little wine won't hurt. But after a few beers, there is no option to put upright.

nasto (Anonymous, 195.123.225.) 15 months ago

Of all the preparations that I have tested, the best effects are preparations containing L arginine. They have a very good effect on erection, increase ejaculation. Previously, I had either a small or partial erection. Olympus is good, but I discovered ona (on this forum_ and this one is in my opinion much more effective because the action is prolonged.

dirns (Anonymous, 37.28.157.) 17 months ago

Okay, you write here,that the composition is such a herbal itepe. This is what it specifically contains. Does anyone have information about the composition of penis complete?

gordon (Anonymous, 37.28.157.) 17 months ago

It is not necessarily necessary to go to the doctor right away. It is known that viagra is not so great and there are some side effects of use. Herbal ingredients will not harm you so I am of the opinion that it is worth trying them at the beginning. How will they help it is great, if not only then you have to march to the doctor.

call (Anonymous, 185.97.16.) 17 months ago

Shakes to go to a specialist of some .. He will be able to make a diagnosis accordingly and this would fully help whether a person needs viagra or this viagra man does not need. We won't be able to tell for sure.

gordon (Anonymous, 185.97.16.) 17 months ago

I myself tested several measures that you write about here. IQman is ok, the action is also but not too long. But very good effects are in the middle of Ma power. It is taken about 2 hours before intercourse. Then you can easily withstand even all the power on a large erection. In total, the penis complete is also ok.

Okki (Anonymous, 37.28.153.) 18 months ago

Of all the measures I have tested, Penis complete has been the most effective so far. Admittedly, the pills are not so cheap, but on the other hand, viagra is much more expensive.

Pablo (Anonymous, 37.47.24.) 3 years ago

Dziś wziolem mensil . Przyznam że nie potrzebnie 2tabletki.... Jedna zawiera 25mg sildefilu więc daje moc . No przyznam że z przemęczenia miałem problem ale z tym mensilem przemęczenie nie Ma znaczenia. Mega jest

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