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Ewa (Anonymous, 185.131.240.) Warszawa 3 years ago

What are your opinions about Welbox?

10.00 zł

Have you used welbox what reviews and experience you have with ie

32 answers, 3 subscribers

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Саша (Anonymous, 5.173.224.) 2 months ago

From welbox, my head began to hurt from behind, a sharp pain during the day, then it hurts, then stops and so the fear returned all day, but this is still 1 week of use, I will see in a few weeks.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

To @Welless:

The onset of action of Welbox is observed only after about 2 weeks of use, and the full effects of the treatment are felt even after several weeks. In addition, there is a higher risk of side effects at the beginning of treatment, which usually go away on their own over time. Therefore, for the time being, you should continue to take the medication as prescribed by your doctor.

Welless (Anonymous, 195.26.22.) 9 months ago

Hello, I've been taking welbox 150mg for 2 weeks, I feel irritation, anger, intrusive thoughts have returned, anxiety and bad sleep. I got it as a replacement for Zoloft, because it didn't give much improvement after 3 months, I sweated a lot after it, but I slept better, welbox even broke it. Please maybe someone can advise what to do, whether to quit this wellbox or go back to zoloft or whatever, because I've had enough.

Misia (Anonymous, 178.235.213.) 9 months ago

After the third tablet of 150 mg of Welbox, I had a strong vomiting all day and a week I recovered, I was dizzy and I felt weak. Previously, I took about half a year Duloxetine + pharma 150 mg.
I didn't take a break, I went straight from one tablet to another.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

12 months ago

To @MonikaAnna: Excessive sweating is a common side effect of Welbox. These effects usually stop or improve with the duration of use of the medicine. The occurrence of side effects of drugs is worth reporting. This allows us to gather more information about the safety of medicines and update data about them, which may help other patients in the future. We wrote about how to report them here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-i-dlaczego-zglaszac-dzialania-niepozadane Side effects of drugs can also be reported individually: https://www.urpl.gov.pl/pl/produkty-lecznicze/monitorowanie-bezpieczeństwa-leków/zg elk-side-effect-0

Answer appreciated:
10.00 zł

MonikaAnna (Anonymous, 176.221.123.) 12 months ago

I take Welbox from 3 months. For a week I have been increased the dose from 150mg to 300. I take it together with Seronil 20mg, which I have been taking for 5 months. In general, it is good. I had a problem with anxiety attacks, night awakenings with 2 hours of anxiety attacks, serious problems with concentration, total procrastination. The fear has passed and now after starting a double dose of Welbox, ie 300mg, I feel blissful peace and faith that I can get out of all problems, which helps in constructive thinking. In addition to the still tiring procrastination and lack of concentration, fortunately other problems have passed, but from the start of taking a dose of Welbox to 300 mg I began to sweat strongly (previously it seemed to me that sweating is totally alien to me) - will it pass??? Concentration is still very weak, as is procrastination. Less appetite. I'll take another month and see if the side effects intensify or pass, and if the remaining effects of the depressive incident will finally start to recede. I am a very active person at the age of 62 and a large range of professional responsibilities

Mava (Anonymous, 89.64.11.) 12 months ago

I have been taking Welbox 150 mg for 2 weeks and after a few days I saw a difference in well-being. I am very pleased. Finally, I'm not tired, I have a desire for everything. I'm calm, I'm not nervous. Well-being, activity improved, and libido went up! Finally, I have the satisfaction of sex😁.

Julie (Anonymous, 178.197.215.) 13 months ago

I have been taking the welbox for about 3 weeks and I feel good. I will add that I am a pharmacist myself - but in Switzerland, as I know the side effects by heart, I am a hypochondriac, so I was a little afraid, even though most of my patients tolerate this drug well. I noticed that it is easier for me to get up in the morning, I am not so terribly irritated, after all, I have more energy and I do not lie in bed all day. Unfortunately, I have no appetite at all. I don't like anything but bread and butter. I can not eat anything all day. I will add that in addition I take pregabalin in the morning and evening and bisoprolol in the morning and everything works great. The last time I felt so stable was on sertraline - to which I unfortunately got an allergy. In general, my experience is good so far, but of course each drug for everyone can work differently. (Female, 25, borderline diagnosis + post-traumatic stress, BMI 22.5)

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

Up to @Klara: The side effects of Welbox therapy can last up to several weeks. I encourage you to report side effects. This allows us to gather more information about the safety of medicines and update data about them, which may help other patients in the future. We wrote about how to report them here: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/jak-i-dlaczego-zglaszac-dzialania-niepozadane Side effects of drugs can also be reported individually: https://www.urpl.gov.pl/pl/produkty-lecznicze/monitorowanie-bezpieczeństwa-leków/zg elk-side-effect-0

Klara (Anonymous, 89.64.80.) 13 months ago

I've been taking Welbox for about a week now. For several days I have been observing confusion, rejection from food, coordination problems and uncontrollable movements, which is a little troublesome among people. Fortunately, they are worst when I'm still, e.g. I go to sleep. I started to worry, because sometimes it's not small ticks with an arm or a leg, but a kind of "throwing" of the whole me. I wonder if this is a reason to stop taking or should I wait it out? How long can they last?

Matek (Anonymous, 83.170.146.) 13 months ago

Very well tolerates the drug 1 tablet.... I was slightly spinning in my head after 7 days I "jumped" on a dose of 300 and I have been on it for 7 months. It is good, well-being and willingness to act, but as it pushes through and I'm tired I have the impression that the drug works less well, but to.jest my observation because I am a mega active person.

Wioswnka (Anonymous, 176.221.125.) 14 months ago

The drug, which was supposed to help me control hyperactivity and irritability, put me in a worse state - severe headaches, dizziness, severe irritability, nervousness, nausea, itching cheeks, feeling anxious.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

16 months ago

Up to @Tadeusz: Bupropion (the active ingredient in Welbox) is extensively metabolised in the liver. However, elevations in liver enzymes (e.g. alanine aminotransferase) are a very rare side effect of the medicine that have been seen in less than 1 in 10,000 people. However, ESR (Biernacki's reaction) is not directly related to liver activity. This test determines the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation (red blood cells) and allows to detect and monitor, m.in, chronic inflammation of the body and infections (mainly bacterial).

Tadeusz (Anonymous, 91.150.165.) 16 months ago

Does welbox damage the liver because I did tests and I have elevated OB-16, alanine aminotransferase -64

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

17 months ago

To @Tadeusz: Alcohol consumption should be avoided or reduced to a minimum while taking Welbox. There have been reports of adverse psychiatric symptoms and reduced tolerance to alcohol among patients who drink alcohol during treatment with bupropion (the active ingredient in Welbox).

Tadeusz (Anonymous, 195.238.168.) 17 months ago

Is it possible to drink any beer while taking welbox?

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

17 months ago

To @Stefan: bupropion (the active ingredient in Welbox) has a favourable sexual profile. The drug should not cause undesirable effects when it comes to libido.

Stefan (Anonymous, 31.0.81.) 17 months ago

Does welbox lower libido?

Hania (Anonymous, 85.221.134.) 18 months ago

I switched to welbox with SNRI. I did not notice side effects, the side effects of earlier drugs disappeared, which relieved me very much. It works very well. The only downside is that I am afraid again of the situation when he will be gone for a few months.

Anonim-owa (Anonymous, 217.97.64.) 1 year ago

I have just started Welbox therapy 1xdz in the morning. I realize that it's only a few days, but I feel a bit like a movie is suddenly breaking off. Dizziness combined with a sense of confusion, lack of concentration and high hypersensitivity to sounds and light (especially TV, tel). In general, I feel very uncomfortable. With a quick movement of the eyeballs, I have a sense of imbalance. For the first two nights I didn't sleep +/- until 5 am, now I sleep badly. I hope this will pass.

Response removed because: is not consistent with community rules.

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Up to @Friig: The onset of Welbox effect was observed 14 days after the start of treatment, while the full antidepressant effect may not be visible until a few weeks later. If no improvement is apparent after 4 weeks of treatment with 150 mg, your doctor may consider increasing the dose to 300 mg.

Friig (Anonymous, 185.135.2.) 2 years ago

Hello. From almost 3 weeks I take 150 mg of Welbox... I don't feel it works... In general, I feel anxious and eat more... What is the chance that it will finally start working?

Response removed because: is not consistent with community rules.

społecznik (Anonymous, 5.173.250.) 3 years ago

Popieram przedmówców 'klocu' i 'realistę' jeśli chodzi ogólnie o Bu pro pion, zauważyłam jednak to, co Łukasz- Wel l but r in działa o wiele lepiej niż Wel box (co bardzo mnie dziwi i nie wiem z czego to wynika) no i nie ma przykrych skutków ubocznych (w przeciwieństwie do tego tańszego zamiennika).

Nie rozumiem dlaczego NFZ nie refunduje Wel bu tri nu? W USA przecież jest najczęściej używanym lekiem na epizody depresyjne... a w Polsce? nie może być refundowany choćby na T R D czy M D D?!

Tak narzeka się na służbę zdrowia psychicznego w naszym kraju a jedyny lek który może pomóc w lekoopornych zaburzeniach nastroju jest tak drogi że pozwala jedynie na wypróbowanie go przez kilka miesięcy i można potem pozostawić go w aptece aby mogli go kupować bogaci uzależnieni od nikotyny. [360zł/ miesiąc]?!!

klocu (Anonymous, 37.30.3.) 3 years ago

aktywizuje i mi pomógł na depresję. Dobry lek. Jedna wada - dość ddrogi = 60 - 80 zł

Realista (Anonymous, 91.123.178.) 3 years ago

Ja tez stosuje Wellbutrin od kilku lat i ostatnio zdecydowalem sie zakupic Welbox - wiadomo dlaczego - tanszy o 100 pln w tej samej dawce. I musze powiedziec, ze jest tak samo dobry jak Wellbutrin. Wiec super - nareszcie po tych latach pojawil sie tanszy zamiennik - moja radosc byla jednak przedwczesna - dostalem go raptem raz jakies 2 m-ce temu, a teraz nie jeste dostepny na rynku polskim:( Gdzie sa ci wszyscy urzednicy i sluzby, pytam sie - kiedy wreszcie skonczy sie wywozenie lekow z polskiego rynku na zachod - czy nie mozna po prostu wprowadzic zakazu wywozenia niektorych lekow z Poslki???? Jak ktos chce handlowac lekami na zachodnich rynkach, to niech sobie otworzy hurtownie lub apteke na zachodzie i kupuje po tamtych cenach od producentow i kurtownikow - a nie tutaj skupuje, a pozniej leki przez granice sobie wywedrowuja....

Anonim (Anonymous, 188.33.235.) 3 years ago

Mnie lek Welbox ożywił już po drugiej dawce, po ok 3 tygodniach brania leku miałam duszności, potrzebę brania głębokich oddechów czasem nawet kilka razy na minutę i to trwało ok. 3-4 tygodni. W tym czasie zalecono mi aktywność fizyczną żeby wyregulować saturacje. Teraz zaczęłam trzecie opakowanie, niestety musiałam kupić Wellbutrin z uwagi na brak Welboxu. Za jakiś czas będę miała porównanie.
Obecnie czuję się po prostu normalnie, a wcześniej był dramat, więc jestem bardzo zadowolona z działania tego leku. Dla mnie pierwszy lek jaki biorę i od razu strzał w dziesiątkę.

Realista (Anonymous, 193.179.215.) 3 years ago

Ja tez biore Wellbutrin od dobrych kilku lat. Ostatnio kupilem Welbox, zeby go wyprobowac - i dziala tak samo dobrze jak Wellbutrin, a przy tym w dawce 150mg jest o ok. 100zl tanszy.

M.  (Anonymous, 37.225.61.) 3 years ago

Biorę welbutrin około 8 miesięcy, teraz z racji pojawienia się Welboxu zaczęłam go brać i nie widzę żadnej różnicy. Ogólnie dobry lek, postawił mnie na nogi, wstałam z łóżka i jakoś funkcjonuję. Lek podnosi dopaminę więc jest dla osób z dużą sennością w ciągu dnia i brakiem siły do czegokolwiek.

Łukasz  (Anonymous, 89.64.74.) 3 years ago

Zacząłem brać Welbox jako tańszy zamiennik Welbutrinu. Po niespełna 3 tygodniach, dobre działanie jakie udało się uzyskać Welbutrinem cofnęło się. Dziś wracam do Welbutrinu.

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Skutki uboczne nie są obowiązkowym elementem każdej terapii, dlatego bardzo dobrze, że nie występują.

Pierwsze efekty działania leku Welbox, faktycznie, można zauważyć minimum po 2 tygodniach regularnego przyjmowania.

Dawid  (Anonymous, 83.11.38.) 3 years ago

Biorę narazie przez tydzień efektów nie widać ale nie zauważyłem także żadnych skutków ubocznych ale podobno zaczyna w jakikolwiek sposób działać po upływie minimum 2 tygodnia

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Na ten moment pacjenci nie wyrażali na naszym forum swojej opinii na temat leku Welbox:

User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
