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M (Anonymous, 83.20.223.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Can a complication after coronavirus be a burning sensation of the tongue?

Can a side effect after coronavirus be a burning of the tongue? Taste and smell during the illness I had

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Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

Complications after infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus include side effects from the m.in circulatory system, nervous system, urinary system. Some of the complications disappear quickly and spontaneously, while others require appropriate pharmacological treatment. More than 1/3 of infected people develop the so-called long COVID syndrome. Long COVID is defined as the presence of at least 1 symptom for at least 2 months within 3 months of being infected. Symptoms of long COVID include, m.in, shortness of breath, taste and smell disorders, cognitive impairment, palpitations, muscle weakness. In the event that the symptoms persist for a long time, intensify or are bothersome, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Symptoms of long COVID syndrome can also occur in oligosymptomatic people, and burning of the tongue can probably be classified as a taste disorder. The time of disappearance of symptoms is determined individually. It has been shown that in some patients they can recur. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with additional materials that may be useful: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/koronawirus-u-dzieci-objawy-i-powiklania https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/koronawirus-jak-nie-zachorowac

Nick (Anonymous, 149.34.244.) 2 months ago

The burning of the tongue can be from dental materials. If there are metals in the mouth, then there may be galvanism. Measure currents or the difference in potentials. Normal values: potential difference in the mouth – no more than 60 mV; galvanic current strength – up to 5 – 6 μA; the electrical conductivity of saliva is less than 5 – 6 scC. If the indicators are normal, then it is necessary to check for allergies those materials with which the teeth were treated. And it is much more difficult with allergies than with galvanism.

Tesii (Anonymous, 83.26.71.) 5 months ago

Get tested for burning mouth syndrome.

DoAnett  (Anonymous, 31.0.2.) 6 months ago

To Anett, did anything help you? It turned out that it was from a tooth? Because I had similar toothaches – root canal treatment and after a long time burning of the tongue. One doctor said it was peripheral nerve damage, another said it was burning mouth syndrome, what to do ??? Thanks

Nadia  (Anonymous, 37.4.253.) 7 months ago

I've had this for a year now, it doesn't go away, no matter what I do, I've been everywhere and what I find stupid, I think that no one had believed me that I had it through Corona.the spots are painful, before they will even heal they come back, the tongue has turned snow-white and I don't know who can help me, I hope that soon there will be a therapy that can help people like us.

Chorowity (Anonymous, 178.36.63.) 16 months ago

On March 18 I fell ill with COVID, 2-3 days later after fevers I had swollen lips and a burning, wavy tongue with a white coating. April 4 and still these symptoms occur.

Anna (Anonymous, 178.214.10.) 16 months ago

On March 3, I recovered from COVID-10, from March 12, something began to happen in the mouth. Suddenly. I went to bed healthy, got up in the morning with a burning, dry, snow-white tongue. Now miracles are happening from geographical language to raspberry, it's cracked again.... Well, miracles, and today on March 18 I have blue, cracked lips and burning all over my mouth. Does anyone have a miracle cure for such a postcovide complication?

Justyna  (Anonymous, 155.133.54.) 17 months ago

Hey, I've been struggling for over a year with burning of the tongue, taste and smell disorders, I think it's after covid. How do you give, have you dealt with it.

Agula (Anonymous, 91.246.109.) 17 months ago

Witajcie.Ja have anemia .always I had and never paid attention to it until the body no longer endured. It started with a general malaise .sometimes accelerated heartbeat, fatigue, depressive states, lack of breath, low libido, and the worst is burning the tongue and the outer part of the cheeks .esophagus .I lost weight falling out hair .and striped nails.dryos skin.swelling.Seasons I walked after doctors .... I took everything -allergy medication, stomach IIP .probiotics, vitamins, etc.I did gastroscopy colonoscopy, tests for allergies.kal for candida parasites and all the rest (shipping to Warsaw).I changed the diet to lightly digestible everything healthy, natural and only cooked. I Dale nothing! After half a year, it turned out that I had anemia. Iron barely 6.5 feratin 3 ( this is a protein that stores iron ) morphology not the worst slight drops below normal. On the other hand, my massacre state .there were huge states of anxiety. Nik did not know how to help me.od month I take iron, there is improvement but it takes a long time. My body has never had as much iron as now there was tingling and numbness of the tongue .fear of food .I got anxiolytic drugs and it is better, now🫣 I wait patiently until the body regenerates .at least I am not afraid and I do not panic as I watch the language, which is constantly changing or tingling. Sting, who and especially doctors do not pay attention to iron deficiencies. Anemia is a really serious disease and gives a lot of unobvious ailments, and the worst thing about it is that swallowing a tablet suddenly will not improve anything .because it is a long-term process. When the body lacks iron, which binds to oxygen and transports it to all organs, tissues, etc., the body gets used to such a pathology and delivers it only to the most important organs like the heart or liver, and the rests vegetates until finally everything crashes that doubled strength.te 6 months were for me taken out of life because I could not live normally. Finally, I am going straight, but I still have a long way to go. I greet all and do not give up, look and wish you to find wise doctors.

Marta  (Anonymous, 79.184.245.) 1 year ago

And what can be on it Since July bake Me tongue I already had nystatyne tables flucofast Rinses paste changed Everything for a while and always came back I had in May enlarged lips The doctor stated that it was an allergy Ok I got drugs clatra helped for a while Later I decided to dissolve and they said that it will help me Unfortunately but I am scattered and still wash me I had tests all Ok Light anemia but I have it for several years Swabs with the tongue negative Already my hands break down Best as chews the whole gum it will help me How do I eat also I have relief I do not feel the doctor told me to go to the neurologist and to the rheumatologist But probably nothing will help me So many months to meet with shock

Maro  (Anonymous, 139.28.41.) 1 year ago

Almost 6 months of glossitis. I do not take any medication. Various herbal experiments I did-it didn't do much. It certainly helps and eliminates pain-hot peppers (you should not eat them - just bite and wait a while until they start "burning" in the mouth). In addition, I drank a glass of water-turmeric, ginger, pepper, a tablespoon of honey-delight... One greipfrut a day - some of it I squeezed, I added honey a little to a glass of cold boiled water. I ate the rest. I only took vitamin C - accelerates healing). Oak bark -boiled decoction -for rinses. Changing the toothbrush to super soft - every day I scalded it + paste for inflammation. After a week - I'm already downhill. Avoid sweets (I ate sometimes 1 bitter a day-but stress is powerful), with slight relapses-pepper does the trick. I wish you all health. You have to look for proportions on the Internet ...

Mama (Anonymous, 212.106.161.) 2 years ago

Since covid I have had gastric bypass blon inflammation. Intestinal problems, incorrect absorption of food. During covid I had a terrible burning of the tongue, which passed and after 50 days it came back again. Now it's gone. I'm a nursing mom. My child also had covid. I take medication for the zobojetnienie zoladka, probiotic and recently vitamin b12. I have flaccid muscles and tretwienia left dloni. In addition, blue veins came out on my body. To people who have recovered. What helped you? Did you have such symptoms?

JACEK (Anonymous, 193.238.200.) 2 years ago

I struggled with this burning of the tongue for a year and a half. For me, the burning was caused by reflux. Of course, I took PPIs and Malox or Gastrotuss," drank cabbage juice, drank flax, ate probiotics, swallowed vitamin b12, played sports, dieted, didn't eat salty, quane, sweets, zero alcohol and coffee, and nothing helped me. I was getting tired terribly. All the time burning of the tongue, geographical tongue, pain of whitening, larynx, sometimes pain in the right lower abdomen two hours after eating. I CURED MYSELF OF THIS GOWNA.

Anettt (Anonymous, 83.20.242.) 2 years ago

I also had this situation. Unfortunately, it passed me by itself until a year later. I used various preparations for lubrication, etc. which helped for a while. Drinking plenty of water helps

Mariusz (Anonymous, 155.133.21.) 2 years ago

In January I had covid since then my tongue cracked, through the middle and small cracks on the sides. For this burning of the tongue and palate. I also have spots on my tongue that I've never had before. Once they are once they are gone. Just like with baking. In the morning I get up and I have no symptoms. I've often had aphthous ulcers since covid. The ENT said that the geographical language and that's it. Massage from the throat, tongue negatively. Morphology approx. Vitamin b12, folic acid minimally below the norm. I'm starting to go crazy about it. The gastrologist prescribed b12, a+e, folic acid. Please help, how long can it take?

Kwiatek (Anonymous, 5.173.131.) 2 years ago

I had coronavirus in November. Currently, I have a burning tongue, pain and burning of the mouth, throat and lips. The language is shaking me. What to do? Taste all the time changed, wech too.

Zdzisława (Anonymous, 31.61.234.) 2 years ago

I have the same problem with the scorching tongue (only one half) after Covid, for 8 months (with interruptions). Currently, after a 3-month break, I have the same problem again. Tests done: Morphology OK Glucose OK Iron – OK Vitamin B12 OK (level 357) TSH OK Culture from the swab – nothing came out. I was at the ENT who ordered: a) Chew capsules with vitamin A + E b) 3 x a day rinse the mouth 5 ml of olive oil c) Rinse the mouth with a vitamin mixture to be made in a pharmacy according to the recipe d) Do not use any rinses like Dentosept, chamomile, etc. I will write in some time if it helped. I'm not going to supplement with vitamin B12. I will do exactly as the ENT ordered. I write because I have been struggling with it for a long time, maybe my case will help someone.

madziks (Anonymous, 92.40.175.) 2 years ago

I confirm, I wrote on this forum a year ago because baking was unbearable. And it was said that it is not possible that after COVID with certainly reflux. I did not change anything in my diet, I did not take any medication for reflux and the burning passed by itself. So I think it was definitely a complication after COVID.

Martyna (Anonymous, 46.134.22.) 2 years ago

Thank you for your reply

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @Martyna: Yes, it could be a complication after COVID-19. This is also evidenced by numerous entries of other patients who observe the same problem at home.

Martyna  (Anonymous, 83.11.171.) 2 years ago

Could this be a complication after covid?

Martyna (Anonymous, 31.61.174.) 2 years ago

Hello, I had covid in mid-November 2021. My tongue started baking in January. Nothing helped. I had a swab done and nothing came out. Currently, the burning has subsided, I can still gently feel it on the tip of my tongue.

Hania (Anonymous, 37.248.210.) 2 years ago

Yes I have a burning tongue and often lips / mouth. This is definitely after Covid! No treatment helps. It has to go by itself. This is no other disease, it is only and only after the plague!

Basia  (Anonymous, 5.173.49.) 2 years ago

Hi, does anyone still have problems with the language after covid?

Anna (Anonymous, 89.73.106.) 2 years ago

To Anet. Maybe you have lichen planus called Wilson's lichen of the mouth?

DoMasakraJakas (Anonymous, 89.64.76.) 3 years ago

Zrób badania na candide. Najlepiej przeciwciała antymannowe. To jest przerost candidy. Mieliście to już dawno… refluks jest z jelit.
Tam szukaj przyczyny.

Język geograficzny to objaw candidy. Nie żadnych hormonów… refluks to tez nie jest bezpośrednio.

Masakrajakaś… (Anonymous, 109.199.77.) 3 years ago

Mam ten sam problem po dentyście co Anett
Język jak poparzony Przebadany chyba na wszystko i niestety nic po za gronkowcem nie pokazało.

Lekarze twierdzą że refluks ale to nie jest to … w momencie kiedy pocałowałem swoją dziewczynę ona zaczęła mieć też takie same objawy.

Response removed because: constitutes spam.

DoAnett (Anonymous, 37.47.17.) 3 years ago

Zaczęłam pic olejek z oregano. Kropla do szklanki z wora 2x dziennie pije. Jest lżej. Masz może instagrama? Emaila? Byśmy się spisały

Anett (Anonymous, 176.109.51.) 3 years ago

Piecze ale już mniej. bardziej wieczorami niż w dzień

DoAnettt (Anonymous, 37.47.17.) 3 years ago

To już do lekarza idź.
A język dalej Cię piecze ?

Anett (Anonymous, 176.109.51.) 3 years ago

Czy jest jakiś sposób żeby uzupełnić ferrytynę? Czy może iść do lekarza rodzinnego żeby mi coś przepisał?

DoAnettt (Anonymous, 89.64.76.) 3 years ago

Masz anemię. Niska ferrytyna... ferrytyne lubią jeść tez pasożyty, ferrytyna się nie wchłania przez niedokwaszony żołądek... może być kilka opcji. Ferrytyna jest ważniejsza od żelaza, jest magazynem żelaza.

Anett (Anonymous, 37.30.50.) 3 years ago

Hej zrobiłam sobie jeszcze wyniki na żelazo i ferrytyne. Żelazo mam 126 norma 50-170, a ferrytyne mam 12,9 norma 5-240. Co o tym myśleć? Żelazo jest ok ale ferrytyna niska...a ferrytyna odpowiada za żelazo tak?

Dodziewczyn (Anonymous, 37.47.28.) 3 years ago

Zróbcie gastroskopię. Może macie zapalenie żołądka, które najpierw trzeba wyleczyć

Nabankrefluks (Anonymous, 5.173.248.) 3 years ago

Najlepszy sposob to zmiana diety i pewnych nawyków az zoladek sie wyleczy.
Niestety nie jest to latwe i czasem na efekty trzeba poczekać. Jesli refluks mocno doskwiera to sięgam po mleczko na refluks i ten neo bianacid. Jednak oprócz tego unikam produktów ktore szkodza typu pomidory, słodycze, alko, kawa, mieta, wędliny itd.

Anettt (Anonymous, 37.30.51.) 3 years ago

Mam wrażenie że może jakbym nic w ogóle nie jadła to zniknie to całkowicie :(

Madzix (Anonymous, 92.40.187.) 3 years ago

Hej ,
Szczerze mówiąc , ja jak wyeliminowałam czekoladę i pomidory czuje wyraźna poprawę. Przynajmniej nie mam tych plam i nie piecze. No i faktycznie śpię z głowa na trzech poduszkach.

Anettt (Anonymous, 37.30.51.) 3 years ago

Czy jest u Was jakaś poprawa? U mnie jest lepiej jak trzymam ścisłą dietę ...ale jak już chociaż trochę czegoś zjem gorszego to już dostaje tych plam i pieczenia...ale tak to nie było na razie momentu żeby w ogóle nic nie odczuwać

Dowszystkich (Anonymous, 89.64.76.) 3 years ago

Język was parzy, piecze od refluksu. A covid wspomaga jego objawy. Język z białym nalotem to język zgagowy, czyli od refluksu. I nie jest to grzybica, przy grzybicy by kazdy czuł wasz oddech nawet w promieniu kilometra, mielibyście zawalone tez całe podniebienie w płatach. Nie czulibyście smaku jedzenia, a smak grzyba. Ogarnijcie czy macie nadkwasote czy niedokwasote żołądka, bo obydwie rzeczy dają takie same objawy.

DoAnettt (Anonymous, 89.64.76.) 3 years ago

Nie bierz już witamin, zrób sobie badania z krwi ponownie. A jak wyjdzie duży wynik, a dalej będzie szczypanie, to polecam gastrologa i sprawdzić ph żołądka. Możesz mieć niedokwasote i z jedzenia nie jest za dużo wchłaniane witamin czy minerałów

Dorefluksow (Anonymous, 37.47.16.) 3 years ago

Nie wiem czy ogladalyscie. Pani laryngolog mówiła, ze geograficzny nie jest powiązany z refluksem, ale za to język obłożony (czyli biały) jest. Jak wtedy jest szczypanie to rowniez powiązane z refluksem.
Jak samo szczypanie to są to niedobory witaminowe.

Dorefluksow (Anonymous, 89.64.76.) 3 years ago

Geograficzny język to nic złego. Piekący , czy z nalotem białym czy zoltobialym .... to refluks.
Ja to mam ból znowu ucha, duszności jak na astmę czy coś z oskrzelami. Jakie to jest dziadostwo ... ten refluks... masakra

Nabankrefluks (Anonymous, 5.173.230.) 3 years ago

Wierze, ze latwo nie jest. Ja zapalenie zoladka i refluks leczylam rok. Bralam miesiąc tabletki ale działaly na krotka mete. Długofalowo pomogla mi zmiana diety. Nie było latwo ale doszłam do punktu, ze nie moglam praktycznie niczego jesc. Unikanie teg co szkodzi mi b.pomoglo.

Pamiętajcie o tym zeby spac na lewym boku i wyzej. Ja kupiłam klin refluksowy i mi pomogl.

Poczytajcie o czarnuszce. W smaku moze nie jest rewelacyjna ale jest b skuteczna.

Madzix (Anonymous, 92.40.186.) 3 years ago

Ja wczoraj miałam okropny ból zatok , chyba to Rennie tak na mnie zadziałało, ale dzisiaj mam zdecydowanie ładniejszy język, jakkolwiek to brzmi. Ale faktycznie od dwóch dni nie zjadłam nic „zakazanego”. Ale na dłuższa metę i tak nie wyobrażam sobie trzymać takiej diety ...

Anett (Anonymous, 176.109.50.) 3 years ago

Biorę od około 3 tygodni witaminę b12 + ogólny kompleks witamin z grupy B. W sumie te ogólne z grupy B to już ponad z dwa miesiące biorę. Robiłam wynik na witaminę b12 to mam 400 a norma to 187 - 883. Mam te problemy od lutego...a na refluks zaczynam się leczyć około nie całego miesiąca...już nie ma też siły na to

Nabankrefluks (Anonymous, 5.173.230.) 3 years ago

Guma niby pomaga a z drugiej strony kiedys gdzieś czytalam, ze zujac gume polykamy powietrze, co tez nie jest zdrowe.
Wiesz co, jezyk geografa (jeśli to to) moze byc spowodowany niedoborem witamin z grupy b. Bierzesz b kompleks? Na zoladek dobry jest rumianek, koperek. Szalwie tez pilam. Należy zrezygnować z mięty. Niestety zeby wyleczyć refluks trzeba czasu ...i niestety większość tego co dobre szkodzi:(( także ostra lekkostrawna dieta.

Dołączcie do tego webinaru o ktorym Dorefluksow wspomina:))

Anett (Anonymous, 176.109.50.) 3 years ago

Matko trzymam ogólnie dietę...jedynie na śniadanie wczoraj zjadłam parówki no bo już miałam ochotę i bułkę. Żułam kilka gum w ciągu dnia....na wieczór wyskoczyły mi takie plamy na języku z białą obwódką, że szok. Nie bolą jakoś mocno..ale no słabo to wygląda. Czy już naprawie nic nie można zjeść? Może jednak te gumy szkodzą? Jutro przyjdą mi te tabletki neo bianacid. Czym mam płukać żeby znikneły? Próbowałam szałwią

Dorefluksow (Anonymous, 89.64.76.) 3 years ago

Dziś jest darmowy webinar o refluksie, prowadzony przez panią laryngolog , na stronie reflukserzy pl.
Nie mogę wkleić linku :/

Nabankrefluks (Anonymous, 5.173.230.) 3 years ago

O problemy z zoladkiem nie jest ciezko...wystarczy brac duzo tabletek przeciwbólowych lub antybiotyki lub inne tabletki podrazniajace zoladek lub zaszkodzić ziolami. Do tego zla dieta, stres, opiete ubrania...
Problem gotowy. Zalecalabym zapoznać sie z produktami ktore sa zalecane w diecie antyrefluksowej, wprowadzić zmiany i obserwować. Do tego w razie dolegliwości neo bianacid. A jeśli nie bedzie poprawy to udac sie do gastrologa.

Fajny jest tez olej z czarnuszki. Czarnuszka to tzw.zloto faraonow. Leczy wszystko oprocz śmierci...pomaga przy problemach zoladkowych. W tym zwalcza helicobacter.

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