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MarysiaH (Anonymous, 91.189.60.) Polska 6 years ago

Does Jardiance help to lose weight?

Does Jardiance - a drug for diabetes support weight loss?

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

Jardiance is a drug for type 2 diabetes that is used in combination with diet and increased physical activity. This drug can help to lose weight m.in by improving glycemia and thus - better sensitivity of tissues to insulin. It should be remembered that in order for body weight to decrease, you should maintain a caloric deficit (i.e. consume slightly less calories in relation to your needs). If maintaining a caloric deficit is problematic for you, in addition to carefully planning a properly balanced diet, appetite reducing agents may be helpful, e.g. with fiber, which swells under the influence of water and fills the stomach reducing the feeling of hunger, or sipping an infusion of mint when you feel like snacking: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/29714/fibraxine-proszek-do-wytworzenia-zawiesiny/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/85827/zielnik-apteczny-mieta-fix-liscie/apteki I encourage you to read the article: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/preparaty-hamujace-apetyt

Jardiance  (Anonymous, 151.19.122.) 8 months ago

Does Jardiance help you lose weight?

Gosia (Anonymous, 83.12.38.) 12 months ago

1 month of taking Jardance (type 2 diabetes) and five kg less. But at the same time the use of a diet!. There is still 15 kg left to 'lose'. If you want it, you can!

Andrzej (Anonymous, 89.238.49.) 16 months ago

I am 65 years old, 5 months retired. I haven't smoked for 25 years. On 27.12.2022, I weighed 93 kg with a height of 166 cm. I felt bad, my liver hurt and bilirubin jumped to 1.8. The whites of my eyes yellowed. I sweated, drank a lot of water, was sleepy, lay a lot in front of the TV, etc. Fasting sugar after a blood test 225 !!!. A few years earlier, at the age of 80, my uncle died of diabetes, deaf, blind, terribly tired... His feet blackened, he was killed by 3 strokes. Also died of diabetes several of my friends from the estate (men and women) I WAS TOTALLY TERRIFIED !!! I started to lose weight, I eat little 2 - 3 times less than before, a lot of vegetables and fruits, 2 tiny slices of graham bread for breakfast and 1 for dinner and I do not spread them with butter or marycha, I eat a lot of apples, lean cottage cheese, natural yogurt without fruit and sugar, kefir the same, very lean sausages, lean boiled meat and poultry, fish. I do not eat cakes, pies and sweets at all and as I already 1 cube of dark chocolate above 72% and it is rare and nothing white with wheat flour (white bread, pancakes, dumplings, pasta, noodles, dumplings, rice, etc. tiny potato 1 - 2 pcs. once - up twice a week. I often eat a piece of rotisserie chicken and some salad. Lots of soups on chicken legs or lean meat ; vegetable, pea soup, bean, broth with brown pasta, beetroot, tomato with brown rice, krupnik, etc. I also started after breakfast 3 - 4 times a week to walk 3 - 5 km. I drink a lot of clean lukewarm still water about 2 L except for meals. Weight measurement March 5, 2023 After more than 2 months, I weigh 81 kg !!! I lost 12 kg of weight. Using diet and exercise, I lost 3 kg of weight and only then I started taking Jardiance 10 mg at the beginning of January. I also take Heparegen 3 x 1 and Essentiale Forte 3 x 2 for the liver from the beginning. Now I have sugar on an empty stomach about 95 - 110 and 2 h after dinner below 140 as recommended, so about 115 - 130 it depends on what you eat. My blood pressure dropped. Bilirubin too, I now have 1.1. I bought myself suspenders because I started to lose them, I wear shirts that I did not fasten because I was missing about 5 - 7 cm to fasten them, I feel very good.... Somehow so lightly... I have to knock down another 6 - 8 kg and reach a weight of 73 - 75 kg. This is what the diabetologist recommended and I have to keep this weight. I do not know if this drug helped me lose excess weight, but a total reduction in the amount of food, including fat, sweets and a lot of exercise in the fresh air certainly does. Jardiance also helped to lower blood sugar, although the doctors told me that losing 15-20 kg of excess weight will automatically improve the results of the blood test because I came to my senses in time and I do not have a broken pancreas and liver, but it was the last call !!!! Best regards

Hala (Anonymous, 89.68.57.) 3 years ago

Ja przez 5miesięcy straciłam 6kg.BioręJardiance 10mg.

Agnieszka Soroko Pharmacist

6 years ago

Dzień dobry,

bardzo dziękuję za pytanie.
Jardiance jest lekiem na receptę stosowanym w cukrzycy typu 2. Wielu pacjentów obserwuje spadek wagi podczas stosowania tego preparatu, jednak ma to związek również z odpowiednią dietą i ćwiczeniami, które są zalecane podczas terapii tym lekiem. Należy pamiętać, że w leczeniu wielu chorób, m.in. cukrzycy, bardzo ważny jest zdrowy tryb życia. Tak więc Jardiance nie jest lekiem stosowanym w terapii odchudzania, lecz jego działanie może być jednym z czynników mających wpływ na spadek wagi.

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