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M. (Anonymous, 31.6.141.) Warszawa 3 years ago

Has anyone encountered the use of Apo-Napro for high fever in COVID-19?

The doctor prescribed Apo Napro for high fever with Covid19. Has anyone encountered this?

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

To combat pain and fever, which are common symptoms of COVID-19, analgesics and antipyretics may be used. The recommendations list drugs of this type in general: "paracetamol, ibuprofen, etc." - so in my opinion this should be understood as a broadly understood collection, also allowing other drugs with such an effect, at the discretion of the doctor or the patient's preferences. In my opinion, these may also be other than ibuprofen drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as naproxen - the active factor of the drug Apo-Napro. This is also in line with the World Health Organization's information on the use of preparations from this group in the course of COVID: https://www.who.int/news-room/commentaries/detail/the-use-of-non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory-drugs-(nsaids)-in-patients-with-covid-19 At the same time, the choice of this product in your individual case may be dictated by various considerations, including information resulting from your medical records. I enclose additional information: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/6067/apo-napro-tabletki/apteki https://www.gdziepolek.pl/produkty/6067/apo-napro-tabletki/ulotka

Stef (Anonymous, 188.127.24.) 7 months ago

That's what my doctor prescribed me when I had covid-19

Gosia (Anonymous, 83.242.76.) 2 years ago

I don't have fever and muscle aches or any other and I also have prescribed 3x1tab. I don't understand that at all.

lupi (Anonymous, 94.78.150.) 2 years ago

I have successfully treated it and my loved ones.

Ja mam (Anonymous, 79.191.154.) 2 years ago

Sponsored article. Well, a miracle cure for covid.

Gośka  (Anonymous, 151.248.62.) 2 years ago

In addition to apo napro, have doctors prescribed anything else with covid?

wojtekpa (Anonymous, 88.156.140.) 2 years ago

Apo-Napro 250mg good drug for Covid, the doctor prescribed me a high fever /38-39/ and a positive smear result. I took in the morning and in the evening for 5 days and as the hand undressed.

Cadilla (Anonymous, 31.11.129.) 2 years ago

Też dostałam ten lek przy Covidzie. Teraz przechodzę i trochę mi pomaga .

Ania (Anonymous, 46.186.64.) 3 years ago

Lek ten miałam przepisywany w wirusowych infekcjach gardła i oskrzeli, bardzo dobrze się sprawdzał. Teraz też miałam przepisany przy Covid.

Ania  (Anonymous, 46.186.64.) 3 years ago

Mnie też lekarz przepisał Apo Napro mimo ,że nie miałam temp. powyżej 38. Ten lek działa przeciwzapalnie, mimo ,że nie jest antybiotykiem. Sądzę ,że lekarz chciał złagodzić objawy Covid, bo takie ma zastosowanie wg mojej lekarki.

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