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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Oklk (Anonymous, 83.4.241.) Warszawa 3 years ago

After drinking the contraceptive pill with water, can I drink coffee or tea right away?

Good morning. I know that the tablets can only be washed down with water, but if you drink something else, coffee tea, etc. So can they reduce the effectiveness of vines? And the second question, if I took the tablets at 19:40 approximately, can I take them earlier on the second day due to the exit, eg at 18:00 without any risk of reducing their properties?

16 answers, 3 subscribers

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

10 months ago

To @Xtnws:

Effectiveness is preserved.

Xtnws (Anonymous, 83.31.59.) 10 months ago

If I took a pill and 20 minutes later I drank a few sips of hot tea, is the effectiveness preserved?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

11 months ago

To @Monika: This will not reduce the effectiveness of contraception. The next tablets can be taken at the same time.

Monika (Anonymous, 188.47.117.) 11 months ago

Good morning. Every day he takes vibin tablets at 19 40 . I am currently on the last placebo tablet. Tomorrow I start a new blister but I will only be able to take the tablet at 11 pm. Will it reduce the effectiveness if I take the first tablet from the new blister at 23? Can I take the next pills at 19:40?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

11 months ago

To @Amadeusee2: Daylette should not be affected.

Amadeusee2 (Anonymous, 31.0.89.) 11 months ago

If I drank hot tea and immediately took a pill, does it affect the effectiveness of Daylette tablets?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

13 months ago

To @Okiwk: No, it will not reduce the effectiveness of contraception.

Okiwk (Anonymous, 178.43.35.) 13 months ago

If an hour after taking the table I drank a few sips of hot tea, will it reduce the effectiveness?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

17 months ago

To @Monika: No, this does not reduce the effectiveness of the tablets.

Monika (Anonymous, 188.47.118.) 17 months ago

And if 20 minutes after taking the tablet I ate a little hot dove, does it reduce the effectiveness?

Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

17 months ago

To @Oliwa: No, the effectiveness will not be weakened.

Oliwia (Anonymous, 178.43.160.) 17 months ago

If I drank a sip of tea 10 minutes before drinking a cerazette tablet, could the effectiveness be weakened?

Asia (Anonymous, 46.148.92.) 19 months ago

I drink coffee, I take a pill and immediately continue drinking coffee, nothing bad happens

Monika (Anonymous, 188.47.118.) 19 months ago

And if you drink coffee 1.5 hours before taking the tablet, is it a safe solution? Then the coffee will no longer affect the tablet?

Asia (Anonymous, 46.148.92.) 2 years ago

I think you have been very galloping in your reply. Nobody who takes medication after drinking them with water lies in bed for 4 hours and does not eat anything so that the tablet will be absorbed, we do not live in a perfect bubble. In the leaflet is marked regardless of the meal and this means that after taking a tablet of photos of something warm drink coffee, eat hot soup, etc. Often before taking the pills we already have something in the stomach, No one waits for everything to digest and only a tablet. You also contradict yourself by writing that coffee has no proven effect on pills, adding after a while that it can interfere with the action ... That would be in the flyer. Each user of the drug is to read the leaflet and not half the Internet what can and what can not and in the leaflet there is no word about coffee or deactivation of the tablet with hot liquid. This is a total abstraction.

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Popicie tabletki wodą, a następnie wypicie od razu kawy czy herbaty, to tak, jakby popiła Pani tabletkę którymś z tych napojów.

Proponuję powstrzymać się ze spożywaniem tego typu płynów chociaż z 30 minut i dać tabletce przyjnajmniej możliwość "spokojnego" rozpuszczenia się w żołądku. Myślę, że jest to czas, przez który można wypić tylko wodę i odłożyć inne napoje na później. Jeśli nie - proponuję zmienić godzinę przyjmowania tabletek na taką, kiedy nie będzie konieczności spożywania natychmiast innego napoju niż woda. Rozumiem, że czasem chęć wypicia kawy czy herbaty jest silna, jednak jeśli chodzi o działanie tabletki - to wydaje mi się, że jest to sprawa dużej wagi.

Kawa czy herbata nie mają udowodnionego działania osłabiającego skuteczność tabletek antykoncepcyjnych, jednak uważam, że mogą w pewnien sposób zakłócić lub opóźnić rozpuszczanie tabletki lub jako zbyt ciepłe - dezaktywować substancje czynne. Dlatego raz jeszcze zachęcam, aby powstrzymać się od picia kawy czy herbaty tuż po zażyciu tabletki.

Wcześniejsze przyjęcie tabletki nie wpływa na jej skuteczność.

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