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Frequently ordered: potency boosters (sildenafil OTC), quit smoking aids.

Aga (Anonymous, 5.173.237.) Warszawa 4 years ago

Should you continue taking Broncho-Vaxom if you have a cough and runny nose?

Good morning, I have a question related to the Broncho-Vaxom vaccine. My one-year-old daughter 3 days ago I received the preparation in the first series. After 3 days, a runny nose and cough appeared. Should I stop taking the vaccine and continue as healthy as it is healthy?

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Anna (Anonymous, 5.173.123.) 2 years ago

With me, similarly. During the first series, somehow 3 dose began a runny cough and went to the lung. The doctor recommended to give further. Now, during the second series, also after the 3rd dose, the cough began. I wonder if this is not some allergic reaction and I think I will stop giving just ...

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

3 years ago

Tak, jak napisałam niżej - należy poradzić się lekarza.

Monika (Anonymous, 159.205.71.) 3 years ago

Właśnie moja córka tez zaczęła brać pierwszą dawkę w czwartek a w sobotę juz zaczął się katar. Daję jej dalej ale nie wiem czy dobrze robię bo niby jak się zacznie dawać i zacznie się chorować to Nir przerywac. Już sama nie wiem.

Katarzyna Domagała Pharmacist

4 years ago

Podawanie szczepionki Broncho-Vaxom w takiej sytuacji należy skonsultować z lekarzem.

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