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Janusz (Anonymous, 77.112.46.) Łódź 3 years ago

Skinatrin is a medicine or a paramedical product and at what price will I buy it at the pharmacy?

Is Skinatrin a medicine or a paramedical product, at what price will I buy it in a pharmacy /

31 answers, 3 subscribers

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Klaudia Ćwiąkała Pharmacist, Editor

1 year ago

The product under the name Skinatrin is not available for sale in pharmacies - it is not a drug or a dermocosmetic. It is not recommended to use preparations available only through websites, without a confirmed composition (different compositions are given on different websites, and the names of the substances given are unknown or incorrect) and safety.

Proven and tested preparations used in the treatment of onychomycosis can be purchased at the pharmacy. I've attached links to websites where you can compare their prices in online pharmacies and order them with pickup at the pharmacy or home delivery:



In cities such as Warsaw, Wrocław, Łódź or Białystok, products can be ordered with instant delivery even in 1 hour thanks to the Wolt Drive service - check if the service is available in your location:


I'm also attaching an article with tips on how to effectively get rid of nail fungus: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/grzybica-paznokci-jak-zapobiegac-i-leczyc

and an article on why you should only buy medicines in pharmacies: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/dlaczego-warto-kupowac-leki-tylko-w-aptece

Jędruś (Anonymous, 5.172.255.) 2 months ago

I was persuaded by a "consultant/supervisor" over the phone, but after some thought and consultation with the pharmacist, I resigned from collecting the package. I don't know for 100% if it's a sensible preparation, but I see too many question marks. M.in.: too many negative opinions and descriptions on the Internet; no marketing authorization in Pl; it is neither a medicine, nor a parapharmaceutical, nor a para-cosmetic; The opportunity of the moment (such a great price is only at the first contact), they piloted the delivery/courier to make sure he delivered. The most interesting thing was/is that after the information that I had recently had a heart attack, they let it go without additional harassment. What is so special about this drug that you are not allowed to buy it after a heart attack?

Joanna (Anonymous, 104.28.87.) 6 months ago

I used Skinatrin, I used the full treatment, 4 bottles in total. And finally I have normal nails, I got rid of mycosis. I don't know where such comments come from, maybe you don't follow the instructions for use. Before I bought it, I checked if it was registered and it is. I wouldn't buy crap.

Jadwiga  (Anonymous, 37.47.181.) 12 months ago

After 2 months of using skinatrinu I see a big improvement on the nails, earlier after using various specifics there were no changes, so for now I recommend skinatrin, see what happens next, I will inform you

Agnieszka  (Anonymous, 79.184.121.) 13 months ago

I ordered and immediately gave up because I saw these sensational comments are only from fake accounts so I embraced 😏 in time

Wolny elektron (Anonymous, 188.146.110.) 13 months ago

Attention skinatrin is a big scam. Trained telemarketers (trained scammers) will extort up to several thousand from you for something resembling a suspension for spraying plants against pests. They are effective because they eliminate negative opinions. Well, everyone pays for their stupidity. I OBEY and hope that this will reach many gullible.

Spróbowałem na Sobie (Anonymous, 37.47.183.) 14 months ago

I was fooled! The paramedical product does not help. I wonder if it won't hurt?. On the bottle it is written that the responsible entity Nutra Group based in the archipelago of Mararioru!

Dudus  (Anonymous, 160.177.91.) 15 months ago

As someone carefully reads the article advertising the product should not be fooled -rityn oil is a product from Mars?

Julka (Anonymous, 5.173.240.) 16 months ago

Nothing helps me, fake. I will go to the podologist.300 zł for three bottles. They should block such ads.

Julka (Anonymous, 5.173.240.) 16 months ago

As I have to send feedback, I have been using Skinatrin for several weeks. I ordered 3-three bottles of 30 million for 300 PLN. I have no contact with anyone.

Stani (Anonymous, 84.60.218.) 19 months ago

I also let myself be fooled, I bought 4 packages after two months of using the improvement of any refund, forget I would have to take a picture and send the skinatrin in the panties put such shit for the future, I advise others to first read the opinions of others before they order something greet

Naciągany  (Anonymous, 178.42.209.) 1 year ago

An ineffective product is not a drug but a paraspecific that does not cure

Miro (Anonymous, 83.28.215.) 2 years ago

After two months, no visible improvement. The only symptom of what seems to me to be a positive change is that on two nails there is such a lightening as if this part of the nail is dying. Is that a good thing? Time will tell.

samarytanin (Anonymous, 46.134.143.) 2 years ago

it is better to use chlorhexedine on mycosis contains liquid for plucking the mouth best this stezony for thinning elurdil use until a healthy nail plate grows back to remove moldy fragments and place exactly the liquid especially the gaps under the nail plate apply at least once a day up to 3 times a day a little it takes up to half a year everything depends on how exactly we perform the procedure and how quickly a healthy plate grows back

Miro (Anonymous, 83.28.215.) 2 years ago

Miro After a month of use no positive change. We'll see how it goes. I will write about the result of treatment both positive and negative.

Artur z USA (Anonymous, 5.253.206.) 2 years ago

I just hover the cursor over the link and if I see a thousand characters, I'm sure it's a kant. I don't even read nonsense. Today I made an exception, because I have been looking for something for my mother for a long time, but I will not be fooled anyway. They write about hundreds of thousands of Americans happy to get rid of the problem, but interestingly, nowhere officially in the USA can this "drug" be bought. Don't be fooled.

Myszka (Anonymous, 89.64.54.) 2 years ago

I bought skinatrin for toenail fungus. After using 5 packages in the spray, I did not get rid of ringworm. In addition, they sent me barley in tablets to make the treatment successful. I find that this is a stretch of people for money and the problem does not disappear. I spent 900 zlotys on it. Don't be fooled.

Miro (Anonymous, 83.28.215.) 2 years ago

I bought this drug. In two days delivery. I'll see what the effects will be. There will be an honest and true review.

Oszukany Marek  (Anonymous, 83.28.246.) 2 years ago

I bought this product in December last year, I wanted one pack but of course they pulled me on more packages. Honestly, it didn't help in any way. I spent a lot of money and after a long time of asking for a refund I did not even receive my cash register with a spowtotem. Now I warn you gzie only I can not buy this crap

sina2010 (Anonymous, 85.128.110.) 2 years ago

I used and helped a great product, I got rid of the fungus, I can confidently recommend because it helped my mother

aga44 (Anonymous, 85.128.110.) 2 years ago

I used this product on a mushroom and no other product helped me. Recommend

karmelizowanemleko3 (Anonymous, 85.128.110.) 2 years ago

In my case, I was a bit afraid, because shopping online is never safe, but this time I was not disappointed. I recommend it to everyone with a clear conscience! :)

Krystyna 12 (Anonymous, 89.72.140.) 2 years ago

I have skinitrin on nail fungus in sprey uses for a week and a half whether it is effective or extort money

Oszukana (Anonymous, 89.71.74.) 2 years ago

This tricksters will only go down from the account I fooled and when I got to the phone by chance they said that I can return something that does not work and gave me the address of the impostu box as it turned out after my check. Scammers fly on the lowest instincts . Shocker

Antoni (Anonymous, 37.30.117.) 3 years ago

Oszustwo! odpadł mi paznokieć po tym cudownym specyfiku !!!!!! Pani Cichopek - wstydź się, że to reklamujesz !!!

Szczęśliwy (Anonymous, 80.6.249.) 3 years ago

Nie wiem czym jest skinatrin ,lekiem czy produktem, mam to gdzieś. Wiem jedno, stosuję ponad pół roku i moje paznokcie są w idealnym stanie. Pozdrawiam.

kali (Anonymous, 213.146.48.) 3 years ago

nic nie warta tłusta ciecz!!!

More (Anonymous, 31.60.73.) 3 years ago

Witam tez tak mysle ze to naciagacze i sprzedaja badziewie ludzie trzeba uwarzac

Ewa (Anonymous, 31.60.239.) 3 years ago

Naciągane ludzi, ale zastanawia mnie fakt, że Pani Cichopek reklamuje ten specyfik. Domyślacie się chyba, że chodzi o .....

Dagmara (Anonymous, 46.77.175.) 3 years ago

To znów jakas próba wyłudzania pieniędzy!!! Nie kupię dopóki nie będzie w aptekach typu Gemini czy Wracam do zdrowia. To bajer!!! Już dałam się nabrać na takie zakupy. Pomyślcie zanim kupicie.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

Produkt pod nazwą Skinatrin nie jest dostępny w sprzedaży aptecznej. Skinatrin nie jest lekiem, ani dermokosmetykiem. Nie ma nawet informacji, iż jest to kosmetyk.
Jeśli planuje Pan używanie tego środka, proszę zachować ostrożność, gdyż z tego co udało mi się zorientować, strony oferujące jego sprzedaż podają zupełnie różne składy produktu, dodatkowo podane nazwy substancji są nieznane lub błędne. Sprawdzone i bezpieczne preparaty stosowane w leczeniu grzybicy paznokcia można kupić w aptece. Przykłady znajdzie Pan tutaj: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/kategorie/grzybica-paznokci

Przesyła również linki do materiałów, które mogą okazać się pomocne: https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/dlaczego-warto-kupowac-leki-tylko-w-aptece https://www.gdziepolek.pl/artykuly/grzybica-paznokci-jak-zapobiegac-i-leczyc

User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
