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Anna (Anonymous, 151.19.181.) Warszawa 4 years ago

Could there have been any injuries resulting in a headache during the coronavirus test?

My daughter suffers from a headache after a corona virus test. Is it possible that something has been damaged?

49 answers, 5 subscribers

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Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

4 years ago

Jest to w mojej ocenie mało prawdopodobne. Jeśli bóle głowy są uporczywe i nie ustępują, to proponuję skontaktować się z lekarzem rodzinnym.


Аноним (Anonymous, 46.219.219.) 4 months ago

My nose was injured when they took a PCR test. They tore out some membranes. Now I still breathe dry through the nose, worse than through the throat.

Response removed because: constitutes spam.

Hanna (Anonymous, 5.184.198.) 7 months ago

I had an aggressive COR test done, I still have runny nose, I have a crooked septum on this side, the leak was more frequent, there were headaches, since then my health has collapsed. Currently, from the tests done for cancer, the test shows leukemia. The ailments are skin and bloody bruises, broken capillaries and muscle pain, bones, vein pain and varicose veins that appear instantly and there are more and more of them all over the legs.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

9 months ago

This is not a typical phenomenon. Such damage is highly unlikely.

I am attaching links to websites where you can compare the prices of this type of products in online pharmacies and order them with pickup at the pharmacy or home delivery:



Here we tell you how to choose the best coronavirus antigen test:


In cities such as Warsaw, Wrocław, Łódź or Białystok, products can be ordered with instant delivery even in 1 hour thanks to the Wolt Drive service - check if the service is available in your location:


Piotr (Anonymous, 79.184.233.) 10 months ago

Hello everyone and I wanted to warn you against these tests, what do Tera do after clinics, so that you do not let yourself be persuaded to take this Chinese test, because it is a fake, it is to apply graphene to your nose, which is harmful to the human body, it hurts human organs, leads to calcification, even lungs, I was persuaded and now I regret it, I feel bad, this test can be put in a banana and it will come out false positive

Adam (katwor@o2.pl) (Anonymous, 185.229.125.) 13 months ago

For me, after 5 days from the test, exactly after arriving at the sanatorium, the typical symptoms you describe. Unusual drilling in the sinuses. I asked the doctor for sinus irradiation. After some time, drilling in the head , loss of smell, gray mucus from the sinuses for 2 years. Visits to the ENT , neurologist . I myself took the mucus into a container and took it to the laboratory. A culture and an antibiogram were made. Some mushrooms came out for which I got a drug that did not change anything. I'm going to do this test again. Doctors either have no idea about the proper purpose of testing and vaccinations, or they are bought. We have no one to turn to for proper treatment.

Marek (Anonymous, 37.248.169.) 17 months ago

Insertion of the stick very deep into the nasal passages causes damage to the hemato-encephalic barrier at the depth of the skull. That's why testing hurts so much !!!

Paweł z Kalisza (Anonymous, 37.248.169.) 17 months ago

I fell ill with pneumonia in November 2021, I took myself to the emergency room in the hospital in Kalisz. There, without asking my permission, they took a covid test by forcing this fucking stick into my nose so deep that the moron who was doing this to me blew blood from my nose... And the test came out negative... Then the same moron came up to me again (and I was weak and half-conscious because of weakness), and he did the fucking test again, shoving that shit into my nose again... Suddenly, the test came out positive... Fucking covid scam... It is possible that there was damage to something inside...

Przeżyłem piekło (Anonymous, 79.191.86.) 18 months ago

I was not myself for 6 places from the PCR test, I did not know what was happening to me. Headache, anxiety, darkness before the eyes, the feeling of walking something on the head, runny nose, unreality. So many people have it, and nobody reported it anywhere, PCR tests were not tested. After all, you can clearly see that there is something on this stick to test ...

Patka (Anonymous, 31.60.227.) 18 months ago

In The Patient's Law, gov.pl writes that there is no obligation for hospitals to take a covid test. And in Bydgoszcz they practice all the time. Not only that pregnant in the emergency room so painfully do and I had 3 times made a nasal swab and I have a bent septum, in addition, I take Clexane injections to thin the blood so that the fetus does not die, unfortunately, but the complications are very large after the smear. I was covered in blood, a severe nosebleed and fainted. A moment after the whole face sore as well as eyes and ears. Until now I have a problem with the sinuses through these swabs. The worst of me is waiting for it again. Are there no normal covid tests?? Or do you need some receipt from the doctor to avoid a smear test in pregnancy??

Response removed because: contains personal attacks.

Amanda (Anonymous, 77.113.106.) 1 year ago

And why fart people stupidity and treat them like pariahs. People don't make eggs for themselves. I've never had sinuses in my life. On the throat from 75 r. I last got sick with the flu in 97. I went through covid in Oct 2020: a slight runny nose for 2 hours, until I was surprised that I had a runny nose, the next day a slight hoarseness of 2 hours, the next light fever and it tired me a little, but not too much. Smell, taste I did not lose. After the test, I was fine. I didn't feel any side effects. I had another test in May 2021, cool. Another one in lutum 2022. And here immediately there was a problem. It was painful. I sneezed for 5 minutes. I scolded baba because the rag laughed at me "well, what are you doing". It was almost missing, and I would have pulled it out by the head. I have been disabled since I was a child. I'm sick of the health shortages. Believe me, here better beaten than asked. My nose was spinning all the time. In 2 days a runny nose indescribable. In 4 days the throat hurt, in a week cough. Hens... and I haven't been sick since '97. The doctor p account also fucked like you. Forgive me for swearing, but I can no longer read these lies. In May, I went to a good ENT specialist in W-wy. What I heard there froze my blood in my veins. It is possible to permanently damage the nerve with the test. Hence the neurological symptoms in humans. Fortunately, I had a damaged sinus. PS. In the pandemic, the health service sold out to the devil.

Aleks (Anonymous, 217.97.72.) 2 years ago

I had no symptoms, but I had to do a test. Unfortunately, since then I have (I have never seen anything like this) dark gray nasal discharge and a severe headache, and I lost consciousness from this weakness. I'm very afraid to use the health service now, so that someone doesn't force me to do such a test again, and I wonder why the government didn't buy normal tests, because they are like that.

Michalina55 (Anonymous, 37.30.108.) 2 years ago

after all, they do not send all vials to graphene tests and if someone checked the pcr tests, they also contain graphene. Great deception, look at the politicians they all wear like Bill Gates these cloth masks, and we are told to put on surgical ones that contain graphene.

jeanne (Anonymous, 37.30.108.) 2 years ago

Good evening, apparently in these tests is graphene. please read what graphene is and what effect it has on the lungs and brain. apparently, it works on the lungs similarly to asbestos.In the texts about graphene from 2017, i.e. before the pandemic, there is talk about possible pulmonary fibrosis.

Joanna (Anonymous, 213.55.221.) 2 years ago

The stick itself is not able to damage a healthy nostril. The problem begins when someone may have a polyp or a crooked septum. I would go to the doctor to check where these pains come from.

Ania (Anonymous, 31.0.48.) 2 years ago

I was told to do a test because of the symptoms. Reluctantly but I did. Now for 2 months I feel how some discharge flows from my nose to my throat with an unusual taste, similar to the one I felt when I was put a stick with unknown what.

Ukasz (Anonymous, 94.254.164.) 2 years ago

I do not know if others also have / had, but for me after taking a sample for PCR testing, I still have the impression that in the place where there was this "stick" something is wrong. My head hurts slightly, the sensation of pulsating on the eye. I don't know if it has to do with it, but from the first night after the test I sweat a lot. As if the body was fighting some kind of inflammation. Before the test, there are no major problems on the part of the head, nasopharyngeal system and in general. Negative test result. Test performed for the purpose of travel.

Response removed because: contains pseudo-scientific information.

Monika (Anonymous, 213.134.161.) 2 years ago

Hello! I have the same problem. After the test on the second day, my head hurt. The pain lasts already 1.5 weeks. It is strange,such a migraine pulsating. For this scotoma in the eye. Anyone dealt with this?

Lalusiowa (Anonymous, 5.173.112.) 2 years ago

Hi I have a problem today I was on a swab for covid. After which I do not dry on one left ear or someone had it and can advise what to do with it?

Karolina (Anonymous, 188.147.34.) 2 years ago

I am glad that you share your feelings after the tests. I was sure I was panicking. Unfortunately, after the PRC test, my head also hurts, sinuses with which I have not had problems for a long time. Although I do not have specialized knowledge about the collection of cavities and the effect on the sinuses, I know from the experience of a dental technician that it has a big impact on the bends, especially for people with inflammation or bone irregularities, unfortunately this is not taken into account when taking a sample. It is puzzling to me that this practice lasts a long time, and has not met with a change in sample collection.

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @M.J.M.: you have not provided an e-mail address, therefore I can not take any action related to it. As for the test, the employee taking the swab must perform it in accordance with the instructions for performing the test. Having a test for which the swab is to be taken from the nose or nasopharynx, he can not take a sample only from the throat at your request.

M.J.M.  (Anonymous, 109.206.213.) 2 years ago

Once again I give the e-mail, the first time there was an error. Excuse me.

M.J.M.  (Anonymous, 109.206.213.) 2 years ago

After the test, the material taken from the nose, for 10 days from the nose flew blood clots. Now it is more than a month and there is still mucus stained with blood. In addition, headaches on the side where the swab was taken, different from all that I had so far. The medical worker, at my request that the swab be taken from the throat, replied that it MUST be from the nose. Is this true, if not, how to defend against it in the future? I don't want to go through the same thing again as I was going through this time. Thank you for your reply. Best regards.

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

To @zuzk: the described ailments are not standard after the test.

zuzk (Anonymous, 46.5.2.) 2 years ago

3 hours ago, the person who was testing for COVID-19 put a stick so far that it was impossible to withstand. She pulled out a stick along with mucus from her nose, which was very long and yellow. Since then, I can not stop sneezing and I have the impression that high in my nose something is lying and thus with each inhalation in the nose I feel a very strong swidrowania. Is this normal?

Agnieszka Soroko Pharmacist

2 years ago

In case of such doubts and constant symptoms, it will be best to contact a doctor.

Zagranica (Anonymous, 94.134.182.) 2 years ago

Today I did at work at 7am test. It was done by my boss at seniorenzentrum. I could feel how tightly she put a stick in my nose. After about 3 minutes I had a severe headache in my temple from the side of the test, and I was weak and faint. Glowe I thought that I would blow up and the whole I had a hotI had the feeling that he was about to vomit and so a few hours at work. I took a tablet of 800 for a headache,but only nausea minimally went down after 2 hours, and the head still hurts until the afternoon.. and I do not know if too far and did not power in this nose, or damaged something ... ???!!! He lies in bed after work and his head still hurts! I'm still sick.

Ewa Pilch Pharmacist, Editor

2 years ago

For @Marzena: At the moment, there are no studies available indicating the possibility of bodily injury resulting in headaches when performing a PCR test for SARS-CoV-2. If you have additional information related to possible complications about the test, please provide them. In our forum, the answers are provided primarily by pharmacists. We are specialists in medicines and if you have questions related m.in the use of preparations, we encourage you to ask them. We will respond in accordance with the applicable medical knowledge.

Marzena  (Anonymous, 94.254.167.) 2 years ago

Dear Pharmacist, Since so many people describe the same symptoms, it cannot be a coincidence. Please stop writing that it is not by PCR examination in the nose. The portal should change the consultants, because it should definitely be a doctor.

Malgo (Anonymous, 37.248.218.) 2 years ago

I had a test 3 days ago due to poisoning. Negative test.however, the rescuer almost sadistic way painful three times too deeply sticked the stick. Twraz I have problems with sinus pain and headaches crp podyzszone. I will report to the patient ombudsman.and depending on what happens next with health for compensation to the court.

Juras (Anonymous, 91.223.64.) 2 years ago

Unfortunately, in me similar symptoms after doing the abot test numbness of the legs of the arms and head of the occiput, and as if tense muscles in the heart area, I did all the tests as in the textbook and the pain does not stop I do not know what it is caused by🙁

Pat. (Anonymous, 159.205.224.) 2 years ago

Od 2 lat nie mialam problemu z zatokami, nie chorowałam. Po teście na covid zaczęła się masakra, ból głowy i zatok. Żałuję że pozwoliłam sobie to zrobić. Minęło 1,5 tygodnia a ja nadal czuje się beznadziejnie.

Praca (Anonymous, 37.47.73.) 2 years ago

Witam, po teście na kowid kiedy wciśnięto mi patyk do mózgu miałem potworne bóle głowy oraz problemy z oczami . Testy te są tylko dla podniesienia nagonki medialnej i niczemu nie służą

Lena (Anonymous, 86.133.12.) 2 years ago

Ja robilam wczrsniej testy pcr, sama sobie glownie, raz przez kogos. Ostatnio znowu musialam zrobic poniewaz mialam bol gardla i kaszel i pracodawca poprosil. Zrobilam go sama ale od tamtej pory bol gardla nie mija, do tego bol nosa i skrzepy krwi w nim ciagle, a szczrgilnie po nocy. Mialam tez wczoraj przedsmak drgawki, kiedy usypialaj rzucilo mi w gore cale ramie 2 razy. Szok.

Malwa (Anonymous, 46.134.159.) 2 years ago

Poprosze o kontakt osoby, u ktorych pojawily sie powazne komplikacje po wykonaniu testu na koronowirusa z nosa.
Moj mail: Malwa09@interia.pl

Sławomir (Anonymous, 31.61.181.) 2 years ago

Test zawiera nanocząstki grafenu. Proszę tego testu nie robić. Mojej żonie pół roku bolała głowa a minął już rok i w nosie na iie goi się strup, bez przerwy się odnawia. To celowe działanie

Yaga (Anonymous, 217.73.182.) 3 years ago

Po tescie PCR z nosa 1.06 a nastepnie kolejnym antygenie 5.06 mam kompletnie niedrožną prawą dziurke nosa. Bole glowy, oka i drętwienie glowy z tylu na potylicy. Pulsowanie i drętwienie glowy zaczynające sie od prawego oka aż do tylu głowy. Tomograf zatok wykonany 15.06 wykazal zgrubienie blony zatoki klinowej. Czy faktycznie wsadzanie 10cm patyka w nos pod oko jest bezpieczne?

Medyk (Anonymous, 79.184.200.) 3 years ago

Jest możliwość dostarczania leków za pośrednictwem kości, płytki sitowej. Płytka sitkowa jest częścią nosa i czaszki. Znajduje się w górnej części jamy nosowej. Przypomina sitko jej 50% powierzchni to dziurki, przez które przechodzą nerwy węchowe. Za jej pośrednictwem można podawać leki dostarczając je bezpośrednio do ośrodkowego układu nerwowego, omijając selektywność bariery krew-mózg, która ogranicza przepuszczalność do tkanki mózgowej.

Niestety żaden lekarz państwu tego nie powie. Bo wiedzą jedynie tyle ile ich sponsorzy pozwalają im wiedzieć. Często to nie ich wina.

Nie powie też tego, że w USA i Wielkiej Brytanii, po przebadaniu testów na cv19 wykryli, że są one zainfekowane.

Niczego nie sugeruję, ale dużo osób z badanych skarży się na notoryczne migreny, podenerwowanie, trudności z zaśnięciem i mroczki w oku…

Agnieszka (Anonymous, 89.246.121.) 3 years ago

Chetnie dodała bym zdjęcie(niestety nie ma tutaj takiej mozliwosci) kartki którą podpisujemy w pracy na przymusowy test covid i o ryzyku jakie może wystąpić po teście na covid, są to między innymi uszkodzenia nerwów, więc po co wmawiać że są całkowicie bezpieczne ?

Bob (Anonymous, 5.184.102.) 3 years ago

Po teście na covid silny ból głowy w okolicy oka, tam gdzie ten patyczek był wkłądany. Ból utrzymuje sie juz kilka dni

Weronika (Anonymous, 77.253.126.) 3 years ago

Robiono i wczoraj test na covid, Pani wlozyla z duza sila ten patyczek bardzo gleboko, poleciala mi krew z nosa na probce tez znajdowala sie krew, po przyjsciu do samochodu wysmarkalam nos i poleciala krew + male skrzepy, do tej pory boli mnie glowa po prawej stronie i okolice oka... czy to normalne?

Mon (Anonymous, 31.183.226.) 3 years ago

Robiłąm test na covid PCR płatny. Wykonano mi go z nosa. z Lewej dziurki. Od razu po wyjęciu jeszcze przy laborantce zaczął mnie bolec środek głowy punkt pomiędzy oczami. Do dzisiaj miałam już reakcje z tzw. przewiania pomimo temperatury 15 stopni i lekkiego wiatru w parku. Zakładając od razu kaptur ból ustępuje.Nie chorowałąm na zatoki, migreny ani inne choroby od 15 lat . Ból glowy który wystąpił następnego dnia po teście wystęuje codziennie, w różnych okresach dnia. Głowa nie boli mnie gdy wyprostuję kręgosłup na macie, lub wstanę od biurka w pracy. Ból nie wystpęuje kilka godzin a gdy się pojawia jest dziwny. Nie przypomina bólu z infekcji zatok ale jest pulsujący. W pracy może mnie głowa nie boleć długi czas a potem muszę wstać i ból ustępuje. JAkie struktury w budowie zatok przynosowych narusza test PCR? Z jakiego miejsca jest pobierany wymaz i co można wtedy uszkodzić z systemu nerwowego, tkani nosowej lub ścian z tkanki ?

Olga Sierpniowska Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

Do @KG: Nie jestem w stanie odpowiedzieć Panu, czy opisane objawy mogą mieć związek z wykonywanymi testami, ale nie wydaje się normalnym, aby odczuwał Pan tak rozliczne i nasilone objawy jak krwioplucie czy zaburzenia neurologiczne. Proponuję zwrócić się po poradę do lekarza.

KG (Anonymous, 89.79.214.) 3 years ago

Pracuję w firmie za granicą, w której codziennie są wykonywane wymazy (testy na covid) po takim wymazie mam zawroty głowy, drętwieją mi ręce, jestem blady i bardzo osłabiony, chce mi się wymiotować. nieraz mam krwotok z nosa lub pluję krwią. Bardzo proszę o informację czy takie objawy po wymazach są normalne?

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

Do @......:
Być może dolegliwość ta nie jest związana z samym wymazem, a np. przeciążeniem kręgów szyjnych, a ból promieniuje w okolice prawej strony głowy. Nie jest natomiast możliwe, by wymaz spowodował jakiekolwiek uszkodzenia mogące prowadzić do pogorszenia stanu zdrowia.

.......  (Anonymous, 62.158.214.) 3 years ago

Wczoraj robiłem test na covid,(wymaz z gardła) do dzisiaj kiedy daje głowę do góry boli mnie prawa strona głowy. Czy to normalne? Dodam że za pierwszym razem też miałem wymaz z gardła i takich boli nie miałem.

Angelika Talar-Śpionek Pharmacist, Editor

3 years ago

W takiej sytuacji jeśli ból nie ustępuje zastosować można środki przeciwbólowe dostępne w aptece bez recepty, np.

User questions and answers that provide feedback about products are not verified for the purchase or use of the product. Companies often order anonymous comments to form positive opinions about their products, or negative ones about competitors. Therefore, be guided by the information in the pharmacists' responses in the first place.
